Each Pole will receive such a parcel. What will be found in it ? < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/80c54f/620x0/1/0/2025/03/10/sxaiutbbmmmomotgntmwtmb16bz1s8i9hzpovze2.jpg" Alt = "Pack/Pixabay" styles = "background-color: rgba (132,129,128.1)" > < p > as the service informs & goniec & rdquo;, by the end of this year a special shipment will reach every Pole in our house. In this way, politicians want to prepare a Pole & Amp; Oacute; W for possible crisis situations. What is known ?
< P >< Strong > The government confirms & ndash; they will get Poles
< p > Ministry of the Interior and Administration (Ministry of Interior and Administration), Ministry of National Defense (MON) W WSP; Oacute; Łpracy with the Government Security Center wants to prepare a Pole & Amp; Oacute; in possible crisis situations. For this purpose, a special shipment will go to each house.
< P >They will reach the Pole & oacute; in the end of 2025. It will be a special brochure, which will contain the most important information on how to behave in crisis situations and how to prepare for them.< p > It is to be written in an easy -to -understand language that will allow Poles to easily assimilate the information contained in it. It is to be described in R & oacutene scenarios of crisis situations. We are talking about lack of access to electricity, fires, threat to life and health.
< P > < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/177d7c/620x0/1/0/2025/03/10/v0vvgqvgbbhu8ply3zhrvtvs2jlqbhbryqkk6dk55k.jpg" alt = "mailbox/pixabay" loading = "lazy" Style = "background-color: rgba (117,116,112.1)" > Useful information ~< p > from the aforementioned brochure Poles will learn how to prepare home supplies, which will allow you to survive without help from outside for 72 hours. Another element will be alarm signals and a way to react to them.
< p > Information brochure is to be available in traditional and electronic form. Interestingly, a guide is also to be available for younger Pole & Amp; Oacute; in which & oacute; ry in an accessible to them will explain the most important issues.
< p > The guide is also to be available in other languages, which is a trip opposite foreigners who are in our country more and more. It will be available, among others in English and Ukrainian.
< p > What do you think about such a solution ?
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