Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

It became known when the EU will start deploying its own anti-missile defense against the interceptor of hypersonic missiles

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar May19,2024

It became known when the EU will start deploying its own anti-missile defense against a hypersonic missile interceptor

The other day, the European intergovernmental Organization for Joint Cooperation in the Armaments Field (OCCAR) concluded a firm agreement with MBDA to develop a defense system against hypersonic missiles. We are talking about the initial stage of work – the study of various concepts of interceptors and the development of critical technologies for a period of three years and within the framework of the HYDIS&sup2 program; – HYpersonic Defense Interceptor Study 2.

This program is estimated at 140 million euros, of which 80 million euros are taken from the European Defense Fund. With this money, it is not planned to obtain ready-made samples, but this is one of the steps towards the implementation of the anti-missile defense project of our own European production. And the ultimate goal is to create an atmospheric interceptor that can protect against maneuvering ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles and hypersonic cruise missiles.

In fact, we are talking about a project known as Twister by MBDA with the Aquila interceptor, which is already receiving national funding, for example from Great Britain.