< img src = "/uploads/blogs/f0/98/IB-FR4SE1SRK_37C6FC93.jpg" Alt = "Law enforcement officers exposed a supporter < p > 46-year-old Kharkiv & Rsquo; Yanin actively participated in pro-Russian Telegram, where he systematically justified Russian aggression against Ukraine. He argued that the war & mdash; This is & laquo; internal conflict & raquo; and Russian military allegedly conduct & laquo; liberation operation & raquo;. In his comments, the man spread misinformation, accusing the Ukrainian military of & laquo; crimes & raquo; and denying the mass shelling carried out by Russia.
< p > he acknowledged that Kharkiv was attacked by Russian troops, but justified these blows, calling them & laquo; forced actions & raquo; Kremlin leadership. In his messages, the man referred to Russian propaganda narratives, distorting historical facts and na & Rsquo; pursuing the thesis of & laquo; grandeur of the Russian Medveda & raquo;.
The Security Service of Ukraine conducted an analysis of the statements of Kharkiv & Rsquo; Yanin, and judicial psychological and linguistic expertise confirmed the anti-Ukrainian content of its posts. Now law enforcement officers & nbsp; conducted & nbsp; investigative actions to bring it to justice.
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