< img src = "/uploads/blogs/2c/96/IB-1IJLSBO24_2715237c.jpg" Alt = "Ilon Musk urged to close" Radio Liberty "and" Voice of America ""/> ~ ~ ~ ~ < p > American billionaire Ilon Musk & nbsp; called to close the media & laquo; radio freedom & raquo; and & laquo; voice of America & raquo;.
< P class = "text-staart" > About it Musk & nbsp; wrote & nbsp; in social network H.
~ < P class = "text-Start" > former US National Intelligence Director Rick Grenell named these editions & laquo; a remnant of the past & raquo; and & laquo; filled with ultral activists & raquo;.
< p class = "text-staart" >< i > & laquo; & Rdquo; Radio Liberty & Rdquo; and & ldquo; voice of America & Rdquo; & mdash; These are media funded by US taxpayers. These are state media & hellip; We no longer need state media budget & raquo; , & mdash; Wrote the year Granell.
< P class = "text-Start" > Ilon Musk extended this post and wrote: & laquo; yes, close them & raquo;.
~ ~ < P class = "text-Start" > he accused the media of spending 1 billion dollars of US taxpayers a year.
~ < P class = "text-staart" >< i > & laquo; Europe is now free (excluding suffocating bureaucracy). These are just crazy left radicals who talk to themselves & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; declared musk.
< p > Ilon Musk, whom President Donald Trump appointed head of the Government Efficiency Department (Doge), said he was working on USAID closure. He stated that USAID & mdash; This & laquo; criminal organization & raquo;,, which & laquo; time to die & raquo;.
~ < p > It should be noted that US President President Caroline Levitt said that the US government wants to stop its subscriptions to some American media, including the Politico newspaper. In plans & mdash; cancel subscriptions on Reuters, Associated Press and New York Times.
< P > Levitt said the US Agency for International Development (USAID) financed the activities of the media, including the Politico newspaper, which was allegedly allocated $ 8.2 million.~ ~ < P > The US Government (Doge) Efficiency Department stated that the US Treasury will also stop financing contracts for the New York Times. Department Head Ilon Musk stated that NYT is a state media.
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