Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Hunger Games: a new film is in preparation

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun7,2024

Suzanne Collins has just confirmed that she will soon be releasing a new Hunger Games novel. A boon for Lionsgate which has just confirmed the start of work on a new feature film.

Hunger Games: a new film is in preparation

Hunger Games : an already existing saga cult

From 2008, the American writer Suzanne Collins began writing Hunger Games. A saga in three volumes that has become cult, quickly adapted to the cinema. In 2012, Gary Rosstook up Suzanne Collins’s first novel and produced Hunger Games. The film received mostly positive feedback and launched the fashion for teen movies in cinema. First segment of a cinema for teenagers composed of sagas like Divergent and The Labyrinth. Above all, Hunger Games launches the international careers of Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. Then, from 2013 to In 2015, Francis Lawrence directed three other episodes of the saga until the end of 2015. Hunger Games – The Revolt: Part 2. In total, the quadrilogy brings in almost 3 billion dollars in international box office revenue.

Hunger Games: a new film is in preparation

Since , Suzanne Collins continued; to develop the Hunger Games saga including a new story in 2020: The Ballad of the Serpent and the Songbird. Prequel to the Hunger Games saga, the novel was then quickly adapted; by Francis Lawrence in 2023. UnfortunatelyHunger Games: The Ballad of the Serpent and the Songbirdreceives much colder press and spectator feedback than previous feature films . Worse, Hunger Games : The Ballad of the Serpent and the Songbird has spawned the worst financial result of the saga at the box office with “only” $337 million in revenue across the world.

New book and new film

Suzanne Collins confirmed that she was writing a new Hunger Games novel. Title Sunrise on the Reaping, the book arrives in bookstores from March 18, 2025. The story will take place 40 years after the events of The Ballad of the Serpent and the Songbird. At the microphone of's Suzanne Collins explained that:

With Sunrise on the Reaping, I was inspired in the words of David Hume on implicit submission: “the ease of submission’ “The way in which the many are ruled by the few is disconcerting.” The story will also revolve around the use of propaganda, and the power of those who control the narrative. The question of “real or not real” seems more and more pressing every day.

While Suzanne Collins’s book isn’t even written yet, Lionsgate has just confirmed that a film will be developed around this new novel. SFFGazette.comreports that the studio will begin production of this new opus directly after the release of the book, for release on November 20, 2026.

Hunger Games: a new film is in preparation

It seems that the story focuses on the Games in which Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelsonin the original trilogy) participated. Games that took place 24 years before the events of the first Hunger Games.

Adam Fogelson , producer at Lionsgate, made no secret of his his enthusiasm around this new chapter:

Suzanne Collins is a great storyteller, and she is our North Star. We are lucky to be guided by by a trustworthy collaborator whose talent and imagination are so constantly brilliant. We know that Hunger Games fans around the world will be fascinated by the new story of the Suzanne. The second Quell district is legendary and largely threatens the history of the Games, even at a later date. Katniss’s time. Like fans around the world, we eagerly anticipate this exciting return to life. Panem.

Suzanne Collins added: that she will be involved in the Lionsgate film:

From the beginning, Lionsgate has been involved in the film. a wonderful partner house for the Hunger Games franchise. I'm very excited to collaborate with Adam as we bring this story to theaters in 2026.

So, is this good news or bad news? have a new Hunger Games movie? We'll let you respond to us in comments.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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