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In Ukraine, one mobilized citizen costs the state budget at least 1.3 million hryvnias per year. 40% of this amount goes to wages and payments to military personnel.
Director of the Economic Discussion Club Oleg Pendzyn told “Hromadske radio” about this.
Based on these calculations, mobilizing an additional 100,000 people will cost Ukraine an additional UAH 130 billion per year.
Up to 40% of this money is paid for labor, followed by payments to military personnel. This is only an average number, because you have to understand that for those who are at the front, this number is increasing. Next comes food, a minimum amount of equipment, weapons, and ammunition. And I say once again: this is a minimal number, Oleg Pendzin emphasized.
He also added that the actual number of mobilized people at the moment is 1 million 100 thousand people. Moreover, even if for one reason or another a person either dies or becomes disabled, the state still remains obligated to the person.
That is, even with 1 million 300 thousand per person, if you count all the mobilized, it is 1 trillion 700 billion UAH per year. And this is the entire amount of state budget revenues for 2024. The entire volume. This is not counting mandatory payments of 15 million. That is, it will be even more, Oleg Pendzyn emphasized.
According to him, all social expenses, business support, subsidies, transfers of funds from the budget to the pension fund are carried out through borrowing .
That is, the 37.5 billion dollars that we have to beg somewhere this year, I'm sorry, they have nothing to do with financing the war. Moreover, there is a direct prohibition to use them to finance any expenses related to the protection of Ukraine from aggression. Why am I saying this? Based on the figures I mentioned, even the mobilization of an additional 100,000 people is 130 billion hryvnias plus, Pendzin added.
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