Categories: Enterteiment

House of the Dragon: this big change made official in season 2

Undoubtedly featuring in first place in the most anticipated series of the year 2024, season 2 ofHouse of the Dragon arrives in nine days at hardly on Max. While the first episode was released, revealed in preview at Paris, the lucky ones who were able to take advantage of the event testify to a huge change for this new burst of episodes.

House of the Dragon: a welcome change?

Launched in August 2022, the House of the Dragon series was launched in August 2022. a real television phenomenon. This first spin-off ofGame of Thrones, adapting a section of the novelFire & Blood dedicated to the Dance of Dragons, was able to reconcile fans disappointed with the finale of the parent series with the television universe adapted to the series. of the literary work of George R.R. Martin. Praised as much for its script as for its technical qualities and the interpretation of its actors, the series was widely acclaimed. renewed for a second season, which will land in France in from June 17 on Max and Prime Video – thanks to the Warner Pass still in effect. 

< p>Continued; the death of Lucerys Velaryon at At the end of season 1, the Dance of Dragons will be able to begin. The war between the Blacks – who support the claims to the throne of Rhaenyra Targaryen – and the Greens – who defend those of her half-brother Aegon II Targaryen – is now inevitable. While the first trailers promised a spectacular season 2, the first American reviews are unanimous regarding the quality of the series. of the eight episodes to date come. 

If French spectators and influencers who had the opportunity to see the first episode in preview are subject to a right of reservation concerning their first impressions, some were nevertheless able to give some technical details, like Matteo from the Chain of Geek. Questioned on the opening credits, the videographer confirmed what some specialists anticipated: a new generic.

Same music (obviously) but no, the visual style is totally different

June 7, 2024

Thus, unlike Game of Thrones which kept its credits from its first to its last season, House of the Dragon will have several different credits throughout its seasons (at least two), but always with the theme composed by Ramin Djawadi. This is what YouTuber Mestre Thibaut theorized. a few days ago in his video on his expectations regarding season 2. This specialist in the universe of George R.R. Martin recalled that the credits of the first season – which featured the Targaryen Dynasty – was no longer relevant for season 2, given that it was losing its informative function and that many other houses will come to the fore during the Dance of the Dragons. 

And YOU ? What do you think of this change? Don't hesitate to tell us in comments.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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