Categories: Enterteiment

Guardians of the Galaxy 4? James Gunn responds

If today James Gunn takes care of the DC Universe (DCU), he has also worked on the DC Universe (DCU). for Marvel by directing the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. Recently, the director revealed whether or not he could return for a fourth part.

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James Gunn and the Superheroes

James Gunn has always been a superhero. a big fan of comics, and it shows in his filmography. After all, it’s up to you. him that we owe Super (2010), the three parts of Guardians of the Galaxy, but also The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker within the DC Extended Universe ( DCEU). After having achieved Guardians of the Galaxy 3, James Gunn revealed that he wasfinished with it. with Marvel.

A logical decision since the filmmaker was named by Warner àgrave; the head of DC Films. The latter is responsible for to launch a new DC cinematic universe: the DCU.He is responsible for supervising this entire universe, and will even direct the next Superman, currently filming with David Corenswet in the main role.

Guardians of the Galaxy, is it really over?

In addition to the three opuses of the saga The Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn also directed the Guardians of the Galaxy: Happy Holidays programfor Disney+. This shows James Gunn’s attachment to this license which has become emblematic of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He always said it, but James Gunn was done with it. with Marvel.

Always very active on social networks, James Gunn has been arrested by a user Tweet. The latter asked him if he was going to take care of a Guardians of the Galaxy 4. James Gunn answered clearly and bluntly:

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May 6, 2023

< p>The fans' last hopes are gone with this little tweet. Yes, James Gunn and Guardians of the Galaxy are over, much to the chagrin of MCU fans… Now,we still have to; discover what the artist has in store for us with his DCU.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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