< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/38/27/IB-1ikit8uu_EB6D5C36.jpg" Alt = "Get ready for update. 5 new features Windows 11, which soon with ' appear on your PC"/~ 62. ~ < P > Microsoft continues to improve Windows 11, adding new useful features for user convenience. Quite soon on your PCs will come updates that will simplify work with the system and make it even more functional.
< P > reports RBC-Ukraine (Styler project) with reference to the popular PCWORLD, which specializes in news, reviews and manuals from computers and technologies.
~ ~ ~ ~ > < h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{f9396f81-e401-48de-998d-71198e98e999d} {146}" Paraid = "833835488" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r battery
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {190}" Paraid = "899923550 non-ferrous The battery indicator in the task panel is supplemented by a percentage of the charge. This is one of the first innovations in the new Windows 11.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {192}" Paraid = "14458888490" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~. either felt "battery alarm" - fear that The laptop will discharge in the most appropriate moment - the combination of color indicator and percentage will help you better control the charge. You will be able to manage this feature in Windows 11. < h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA110ce} {194}" Paraid = "562012801" XML: lang = "ruDisabling an annoying backup reminder in a conductor< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {196}" Paraid = "1360589007" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" Copy data in OneDrive via Windows Backup, which requires constant loading of files from the desktop, documents and other folders into the cloud. This can create a load on an internet connection so many prefer to disable this feature.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {198}" Paraid = "1822294583" XML: Lang = "Ru-Ru" in the conductor of the message (or even advertising banners) proposing to turn back up. The new update will be able to disable or postpone these reminds.
< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA110CE}} {200}" Paraid = "1791693186" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" SpotLight
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {202}" Paraid = "2050543279" XML: lang = " Windows - Windows Spotlight that allows stunning photos of nature to install on the desk. Sometimes users want to know more about what is depicted on their screen.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {204}" Paraid = "229571766" XML: Lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62. a small "learn more about this image" but he It was easily lost among other icons on the desktop. In the new update, this icon is moved to the lower right corner of the screen, making it more noticeable.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {206}" Paraid = "1042651230" xml: lang = "Ru-Ru" > 62. Spotlight can also be used for screen lock. The update will appear “I like” button that will allow Windows to show you more similar images.
< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE}} {208}" Paraid = "1841045313" XML: Lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 1841045313 panel tasks
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {210}" Paraid = "1820132150" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62 The tasks will now be simpler. For example, if you have several documents in Microsoft Word, with a new update you can simply click on the Word icon on the taskbar, select the desired file and quickly send it.
~ ~ ~< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA110ce}} {212}" Paraid = "271608346" xml: lang = "Ru-ru" Screen Dictor
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE11 ) is a function, not all used by all but Microsoft continues to work to improve Windows availability.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63c95EA10CE10CE} {216}" Paraid = "1887268021" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" Scanning & nbsp; < strong > will receive useful opportunities:
< Ul > < Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {218}" Paraid = "643555567" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62 ) - allows you to go immediately to the text after Link
< Li lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {220}" Paraid = "840183050" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62. (,) - useful when working with long tables, lists and other large blocks
< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {222}" Paraid = "1445541880" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" (.) - helps read the long Letters, articles and Wikipedia pages
< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {224}" Paraid = "188613623" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62 (l) - instant transition to Lists on web pages or in documents
< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{ad879380-d3bb-495b-a26e-844abd79ef630}} {33}" Paraid = "1419318875" ~ ~ ~ " Windows 11
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {228}" Paraid = "1889317678" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" removed < strong > & nbsp; a few annoying problems:
< Ul > < Li lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {230}" Paraid = "317220358" XML: Lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62 When opening files in ONDRIVE
< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {232}" Paraid = "908051819" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" through what level of sound increased to 100 percent After leaving the sleeping mode
< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA110ce} {234}" Paraid = "1895105494" XML: Lang = "RU-RU" ~ ~ RU-RU " Update ? < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02EC2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {236}" Paraid = "503920059" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" > 62 'Will appear in Windows 11 test assembly (Release Preview), depending on how Microsoft decides to release them on different devices.
< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{02C2C2AC1-CCC5-4C5E-80EC-E63C95EA10CE10CE} {238}" Paraid = "1349691047" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ Ru-Ru " for all users ? so far It is difficult to say. In 2023, Microsoft released the "moments" update - small improvements that are added gradually. However, in 2024 the company returned to the traditional schedule of updates, and new features can only appear in September-October.
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