Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Germany plans to deport Afghans through Uzbekistan, – Spiegel

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun17,2024

Germany plans to deport Afghans through Uzbekistan, – Spiegel

Photo: FRN Afghans/

The German government is conducting secret negotiations with the government of Uzbekistan about the deportation of Afghans from Germany without direct benefits from the government to the Taliban. About this write Der Spiegel.

According to the data, Uzbekistan is willing to carry out deportations through the territory of its territory, otherwise, in favor of Nimechchina about the labor migration of citizens of Uzbekistan to Nimechchina and.

To conduct negotiations on this matter, Nancy Feser, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany, visited Uzbekistan. In Tashkent, officials held negotiations, the results of which were confirmed by the government.

The agreement proposed by Germany stipulates that the German side will transport the deported Afghans to Tashkent using a charter flight of the private airline KamAir, after which the refugees will fly to Kabul. This will allow the German government not to make direct agreements with Afghanistan.

KamAir has already taken part in similar projects – in recent years the company has helped Sweden with repatriation missions. In addition, the company, as the publication writes, has reliable contacts with the authorities of Afghanistan.

Umova is interested in Uzbekistan’s migration benefit from Germany, which allows Uzbek labor migrants to be sent to the extreme. The text has already been prepared for this reason. Germany's special representative for migration policy, Joachim Stemp, will go to Uzbekistan to discuss the document.

The Government of Germany enforced migration policy after the incident in Mannheim, if he was born in Afghanistan I will stop attacking participants of an anti-Islamic rally with a knife. As a result of the killings, police officers were killed.

Then Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that migrants who committed atrocities on the territory of Nimecchina could be deported. According to Der Spiehel, as many as 13 thousand Afghans are currently being deported from Germany. Many of them may or may not be deported according to the decisions of the authorities.

Negotiations about the deportation of Afghans through the third country began in Germany even before the tragedy in Mannheim. The government of Afghanistan is categorically against such a transfer of its citizens. The settlement process is complicated by the fear of Germany that the deported Afghans may face insecurity by returning to Afghanistan.

Previously BAGNET reported that 10 chern Afghans with a knife injuring a Ukrainian woman near Frankfurt .

Prepared by: Serhiy Daga

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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