Little daughter spilled tea. She couldn't hold the cup.
The skill of grabbing was still not mastered, and the mother scolded her daughter: “Not the hands, the hooks! You have to pick it up! You can't be more careful?”
The girl's eyes filled with tears. But she didn't cry, she endured it, because her mother would be even angrier. She thought it was really her fault. Years later, the roles are reversed…
The tired, exhausted woman shouted at the old woman: she dropped a cup of tea. She couldn't hold it in her trembling fingers, and her daughter shouted: “You have no hands, you have hooks! I'll have to clean this up for you! Can't you be more careful?”
The blind eyes of the old mother filled with tears, but she didn't cry, she endured. Because it was her fault. Because if you cry, your daughter will be angry… Oh, how quickly we change roles! How quickly life passes! And how quickly everything you say and do comes back to haunt you. And you need to remember this when you want to shout at your child because of their clumsiness or mistake.
Since they can't yet perfectly control their body or emotions, they need to have a chance to learn. We need to forgive others. For their weaknesses and imperfections. We come into this world with them. We leave with them.
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