The other day, a resident of Sumy contacted the police and reported that while looking for money on the Internet, he came across an attractive option on one of the Telegram channels. The employer explained to the man that he could earn money by watching and liking the corresponding commercials. Each such viewing, subject to reporting, was valued at 30 hryvnias. At first, everything happened as the unknown people promised.
Later, the applicant was offered to earn money by buying movies. The condition was to pay 3,000 hryvnias for each film, receiving 3,500 in return to an account that had to be opened using the link sent. The employer provided a list of films to buy, and after watching them, a special code with which he received the money he earned.
As a result, instead of earning money, the man got into debt for more than 100 thousand hryvnias. Law enforcement officers initiated criminal proceedings.
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