Categories: Art

Everyone knows the lyrics of his songs. The world of music is in mourning

Kazimierz “Filo” Galaś, an outstanding poet and lyricist, has died.

As reported by the “Super Express” portal, Kazimierz “Filo” Galaś, an outstanding poet and lyricist, has died at the age of 63. He wrote many of Dżem's most famous hits. In mid-December, the artist suffered a massive stroke. He was taken to hospital, where he was kept in a medically induced coma. Unfortunately, on Sunday, December 29, Galaś died.

Kazimierz “Filo” Galaś is dead

Information about the death of Kazimierz “Filo” Galaś was provided by the Art Music Club in Tychy via social media.

“It is with deep sadness that we inform you that today a wonderful man, Kazimierz Galaś, has passed away. We ask for a moment of reflection and prayer for Fil” – we read in the moving entry.

Galaś was hospitalized in mid-December after suffering a massive stroke. Doctors decided to put him in a medically induced coma, fighting for his life. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of the medical staff, the poet's life could not be saved. He died on Sunday, December 29th at the age of 63.

“He helped us name things that we ourselves would not have named so beautifully” – this is how Sebastian Ridel said goodbye to the deceased artist.

His hits were sung by the whole of Poland

Kazimierz “Filo” Galaś changed the face of Polish rock. The poet and lyricist was responsible for the greatest hits of the band Dżem. As the daily reminds us, it was he who created the group's greatest hits: “Czerwony jak cegła”, “Jesiony”, “Tylko ty i ja”, “Obłuda” and “Kim jestem – jestem sobie”.

As indicated by the “Super Express” portal, Galaś began his adventure with Dżem in 1997. It was thanks to his lyrics, deep, moving and showing great sensitivity, that the group managed to take its place as one of the most important rock bands in the history of Polish music.

Galaś had a very close relationship with Rysiek Ridel. Both were united not only by their passion for music, but also by their search for a deeper meaning in life.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the family, loved ones and friends of the late Kazimierz Galaś. sympathy.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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