Categories: Enterteiment

Disturbing news flows from Italy. Pope Francis could be overheard

Pope Francis could be wanted. Surprising information flows from Italy. < img src = "" alt = "Pope Franciszek/YouTube @tvn24" styles = "background-color: rgba (182,164,149,1)" > < p > As informs the portal & interia & rdquo ;,, Pope Franciszek M & oacute; The case saw the light of day after the spy software was detected on a phone call belonging to a clergyman who often talked to Franciszek. The Vatican has not yet talked to the matter.

< P >< Strong > wiretaps in phones < p > service & ampquo; interia & rdquo; He indicates that in February this year it was confirmed that the Italian activist Luca Casarini was spy on for a year by unknown people. His phone was spy on using the Graphite program. Casarini's phone was checked by citizen lab.

< p > Casarini was a special guest of the synod bishop & oacute; in, invited by Pope Francis. Representatives of the organization founded by Casarini submitted a notification in the prosecutor's office, which & oacute; is to explain who spy on the activist.

< p > Casarini was not the only spy person using the Graphite system. Recently, it came to light that the chaplain of the Mediterranea Saving Humans, Mattia Ferrari & rsquo; ego was eavesdropped. < P >< img src = "" alt = "Pope Franciszek. Source:" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (121,110,105.1)" > < P >< Strong > Pope Francis was overheard ? < p > priest Ferrari reported that the case is dealt with by law enforcement agencies, which & re. The analysis of the clergy phone has not yet been completed, so it is not sure how long it was under surveillance. < p > It is no secret that one of the rominations & oacute; wc & oacute; in priest. Ferrari & rsquo; ego was Pope Francis. The clergy talked about migrants imprisoned in Libya and the opportunity to help them. “Bdquo; if priest Mattia was eavesdropped, Pope Francis was also listened to and many times & & & ndash; indicates the website & interia & rdquo;, citing the relations of Italian journalists. < p > What is important, during the size of the &mp < P > < img src = "" alt = "Pope Franciszek. Source:" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (155,148,133,1)" >
Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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