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Day of the Ukrainian volunteer: celebrities who themselves went to defend their native land

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Mar14,2024

>> Celebrities who became volunteers/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

On March 14, the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer is celebrated. On this occasion, Radio MAXIMUM will tell you about celebrities who voluntarily joined the army to defend Ukraine from the Russian invaders.

Please note that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many celebrities went to defend our country. True, not everyone continues to serve in the army, destroying the enemy and bringing Ukraine closer to victory!

Who among the celebrities became a volunteer

Taras Topolya, frontman of the band “Antitila”

Taras Topolya, together with the entire “Antitila” band, joined the ranks of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They did it a few days before the start of the full-scale invasion.

Even then, Taras Topolya appealed to Ukrainians to stand up for the defense of the state regardless of their place of residence, profession, age or gender.< /p>

Our “panic” looks like this – “Antibodies” have decided to join the Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For the 8th year, our goal is peace. For his sake, we are ready to give a worthy rebuff to anyone who wants to bring war to our lands,
– emphasized the leader of the “Antitila” group.

Then he noted that the Territorial Defense is ready to resist. That there is no panic and there is confidence that everything will be in Ukraine.

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Please note that as of the end of 2023, Taras Topolya was in the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He and his colleagues who served as paramedics in the 130th battalion of the Russian Armed Forces were released from combat missions in the summer of 2022.

Andrii Khlyvniuk and the Boombox band

Andrii Khlyvniuk inspired millions of Ukrainians and people all over the world. Especially thanks to the video, which instantly went viral. He recorded it on Sophia Square in Kyiv, performing the song “Oi vu luzi khrovona kalyna” in the first days of the full-scale invasion.

Then he called to join the ranks of the Territorial Defense and destroy the Russian invaders.

At the beginning of March 2024, a new interview with Andrii Khlyvnyuk was released. In it he urged not to wait for summons and to volunteer for the Armed Forces.

I think that it is necessary to go to the front as a volunteer. Do not wait for summons, choose the units you like, go and work. If you are conscripted, of a certain age, and your health allows, go protect your daughters and sisters from rape, mothers from murder, your houses from looting, bombing. What is strange here? I do not understand. Mobilization is a necessity,
– emphasized the artist.

Dmytro Dikusar, choreographer

If Vlad Yama, who is serving time in the USA, causes a feeling of shame, then Dmytro Dikusar – delight. In the first days of the full-scale invasion, he went to defend the Motherland.

On October 24, he celebrated his 38th birthday. On the same day, a post appeared on his Instagram. In it, the dancer and choreographer shared his thoughts on the war and posted a photo of himself in military uniform.

On my birthday, I will share my thoughts, I have the right… I saw two different worlds. They seem to be next to each other, but there is a “chasm” between them. When you see the military, don't lower your eyes! Say hello or smile. No one needs you to be emotional, it is enough to simply respect and continue to support the people who protect you! Only purposefully and sensibly. I realized a long time ago that without the help of ordinary civilians, we would have lost a long time ago. Just don't get tired and take care of yourself. Without you, we are finished,
– he wrote.

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Post shared by Dmytro Dikusar (@dikusar_dmitriy)

A On March 6, he published a new post. In it, he noted that this day marks two years since he completely switched to “military rails”.

“Did I then think that the war would drag on like this? No! Do I regret my choice? Also, no! Undoubtedly, fatigue has accumulated, sometimes the nerves give out a little, but memories of fallen comrades and faith in the victory of good over evil give the impetus to move and don't stop. The war has changed a lot, we don't remain the previous ones either…” he emphasized.

Dmytro Dikusar also addressed the Ukrainians and called on them not to engage in “cheap” manipulations, the purpose of which is to unite us and weaken us.

Serhiy Stakhovsky, tennis player

Serhiy Stakhovskyi is the former number one racket of Ukraine. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the athlete went to defend his native state in the ranks of the Armed Forces. He passed through the hottest spots on the front.

Currently he serves in the special operations center “A” of the Security Service of Ukraine. Stakhovsky emphasized that there is a lot of work and that there are enough tasks. And that they are the most diverse: both on the demarcation line and in the rear.

Ukrainian volunteer day: celebrities who themselves went to defend their native land

Serhii Stakhovsky stood up for the defense of Ukraine/Picture Armiya FM

In a recent interview with Ukrainian Pravda, he emphasized that it is now important to find the right and motivational words for Ukrainians. This will allow them to more actively serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Serhiy Sentsov, director

Director Serhiy Sentsov also went to defend Ukraine from the Russian invaders. He also called on Ukrainians to join the ranks of Teroborona and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, I asked everyone who cares to donate blood and send a humanitarian.

I don't write much because I have a lot to do. The enemy wants to destroy Ukraine and its people. All to arms! Go to the military commissariat, join the ranks of the Armed Forces, sign up for self-defense, donate blood, help the front, resist the aggressor. Death to the occupiers! Glory to Ukraine!
– he said at the beginning of the invasion.

Ukrainian volunteer day: celebrities who themselves went to defend their native land

Serhiy Sentsov went to defend his native country/Photo from Sentsov's Facebook

Serhiy Sentsov is a courageous and brave son of Ukraine. He went through the fiercest battles and talked about the war without bills on his Facebook. And on February 24, the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, he wrote:“I want to celebrate only the anniversaries of our Victory.”

Yarmak, the rapper

The rapper Yarmak himself also went to the Military Commissariat in the first days of the full-scale invasion. He emphasized that this step is the personal responsibility of every citizen of Ukraine.

There are many people in the Military Committee, I do not call anyone, without heroism, to take personal responsibility! It is noticeable that there are many intelligent people who both fought and were in the special forces, so without pathos, Ukraine will stand!
– the rapper wrote on his Instagram.

He continues to create. But now his songs are much more powerful, deeper. And they inspire Ukrainians. The day before, he presented the song “Babylon”, dedicated to his comrades from the 14th regiment and to all defenders of the country, world justice, and the future of the planet.

The best of people! Each of us has been forced to take up weapons, each of us consciously understands the risks, each of us has repeatedly looked death in the face! For us, justice is more important than life! But we are not going to give it to Horde scumbags!
– he emphasized.

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On March 14, Ukrainian Volunteer Day, we bow low to them for their courage and effort, for their struggle and defense against the Russian invaders. You are the ones without whom we would not exist!

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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