< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/A9/1a/IB-FQOSFORVB_C6FC9316.jpg" Alt = "Cheap and Safe: Scientists developed & quot; trees ' < P > According to researchers, organic solar elements based on wood can replace traditional oil materials.
< p >Researchers at the University of Linchoping and the Royal Technology Institute (KTH) in Sweden have developed an organic solar element, part of which is made of the so-called Kraft Light-Liginin, obtained directly from the wood mass. About this & nbsp; writes & nbsp; portal Tech xplore.
< P > As noted in the publication, modern & nbsp; organic solar elements & nbsp; made from plastic or polymers obtained from oil. Although it technically makes them “organic” they are still harmful to the environment.
< P > In view of this, scientists have studied wood as an alternative material for the production of solar cells. They have developed an organic solar cell in which part of the electrons transmission layer connected to the cathode in the solar cell, made of kraft-leilein, which can be removed from wood in the process of paper production.
~ < P > “This study allows us to show that it is possible and is the first step towards replacing today's oil -based materials based on wood alternatives”, & mdash; noted Mats Falman, Professor of Organic Electronics Laboratory at the University of Linchoping.
< P > Although only a small part of this solar cell is made of lignin, in the long run, scientists want to create a solar cell, almost completely made of wood materials.< p > “Organic solar elements will never be the most effective. But their advantage is that they are non-toxic, stable and cheap. If their efficiency is 15-20%, this is more than enough for most applications”, & mdash; Professor Falman emphasized.
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