Apple is under fire again after the launch of its new Apple Intelligence feature, which is powered by artificial intelligence and is reportedly generating misleading messages. The BBC has raised concerns after one of the reports incorrectly stated that Luigi Mangione, who was arrested in connection with the murder of health insurance company CEO Brian Thompson, had shot himself. This claim was proven false, and the BBC confirmed that no such message existed.
Apple's Intelligence feature is designed to collect and group news so that users are less distracted from their work. However, it has had issues with accuracy, as evidenced by the erroneous report about Mangion. The BBC has contacted Apple to resolve the issue and asked for a fix.
This is not the first time that Apple's AI messaging system has been reported to be inaccurate. For example, one report falsely claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been arrested, which was also untrue.
Experts have expressed concerns that AI-generated news feeds could spread misinformation. Professor Petros Iosifidis, a media policy expert, called the situation embarrassing for Apple and warned of the risks of using AI to fact-check news.
Apple has not yet commented publicly on the specific issues raised by the BBC or the inaccuracies reported by users.
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