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Defeat the Dragon: A Guide to Overcoming Work Conflicts

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar May14,2024

Defeat the Dragon: A Guide to Overcoming Work Conflict

Conflict/unsplash < p>Conflicts at work can probably only entertain in romantic comedies. In fact, tension at the workplace can create a lot of problems that are far from funny.

Chronic stress, irritability at home, decreased productivity – these are just some of the consequences that people who are constantly in a conflict atmosphere have to face. This is reported on the Psychological Support platform.

Most conflicts at work occur for 3 reasons:

1. Evaluation. We often make conclusions about other people, their work or situations, which can lead to unnecessary criticism and emotional stress.

2. Disclaimer. Not everyone wants to admit their role in the problems, so they may deny the facts, the consequences or their fault.

3. Different values. When people have different priorities and goals, it can lead to differences in thoughts and actions, which sometimes results in quarrels.

We cannot control what others say or do, but we can control our reactions. Changing the mindset from the “problem” mode to the “decision” will help you better understand your emotions and see more clearly what to do next.

Steps to resolve conflicts:

    < li>Define your needs. Ask yourself what you are missing in this situation, why it is important to you, and what benefits meeting your needs will have. Shouldn't you just adjust? After all, the desire to always be right – this is a path to a dead end.
  • Use “I” – statement. Prepare for the conversation. Practice discussing the situation not from the position of accusation, but from your own side. For example, instead of saying “You always…”, try saying “I feel…”, “I will be grateful if I…” etc.
  • Understand the needs of the other party. Talk calmly with the other person to find out what they want and why it is important to them. Concentrate fully on what the other person is saying before sharing your thoughts.
  • Find common ground. Identify areas of agreement or shared goals on which you can build constructive communication.
  • Paraphrase the other person's words. Repeat what you heard the other person say in your own words to make sure you understood them correctly. This will help avoid misunderstandings and reduce tension.
  • Emphasize the value of relationships. Remind yourself and the other party of the importance of maintaining positive relationships, even during conflict. .
  • Discuss your options. Work together to find a compromise that meets the needs of both parties.
  • Take breaks. If the conflict becomes too emotional, take a break to cool down.
  • Get a mediator . If you cannot resolve the conflict yourself, contact a neutral mediator: a manager, HR manager or psychologist.

Remember, conflicts at work are almost inevitable. Learn to constructively solve them in order to maintain positive relationships, emotional well-being both at work and at home.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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