Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

YouTube: fans of this videographer are worried about her sectarian excesses

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun8,2024

If you browse YouTube you know So Andy who used to be called Andy Raconte. This former first YouTuber in France shared on her channel a video in which she addresses the theme of religion. She announces having discovered her faith and having become a member of an evangelical church. A testimony which suggests that the young woman is the victim of sectarian excesses and which worries Internet users.

YouTube: fans of this video maker are worried about its sectarian excesses

So Andy (ex Andy Raconte) dé veils the most important video of his life

You certainly know Andy Raconte, or now So Andy, on YouTube. Her real name is Nadège Dabrowski, she launched on the YouTube video platform in 2013. In 2015, she managed to achieve success. become the first French YouTuber.

YouTube: fans of this video are worried about its sectarian excesses

In ten years, she achieved the feat of accumulating 3.4 million subscribers on her channel. After a break from video publishing following from sexist harassment and non-respect of his private life, So Andy returns to offer the 1.23 million subscribers of his channels Do It Yourself videos strong>.

A few days ago, the YouTuber posted: on her channel a video that she considers to be the most important of her entire life. In this 40-minute video, So Andy discusses her private life, her ex-husband and her beliefs in the New Age movement.

< p>YouTube: fans of this video are worried about its sectarian excesses

The testimony of So Andy worries his fans

This spiritual movement originating in the United States has become more and more established in France for ten years. The New Age aims totransform people through spiritual awakening by specifically targeting vulnerable and vulnerable women. financially comfortable when they find themselves in a better position. important moments in their lives such as during a divorce/separation, during pregnancy or when a professional change occurs. In a 2014 report carried out by the commission of the National Assembly on sectarian aberrations, this movement has already been established. is subject to a warning.

In the comments made by So Andy, we find many similarities with other people who have switched to life. in this movement considered as sectarian. She also explains that she has always had “an aversion to religion” and it is because of this. Following personal problems, particularly in love, she turned to this movement in which the body, the soul, the spirit and the cosmos are one.

YouTube: fans of this video maker are worried about its sectarian excesses

Thus, we learn that the young woman decided to to give his life to Christ on December 22 after his separation:

I felt the Holy Spirit, it fell on me like that and I said to myself, that's it, I'm a Christian.

Understanding that “ God protect (her)”, she contacted a man from an evangelical church (without naming him) and after a week he left. inside, she decides to join her. An announcement which worries Internet users all the more as the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses declares having dealt with 153 referrals to the evangelical movement.

Andy's marabout Say he must have made some money…

June 4, 2024

The video of Andy Tells it is frightening in the first degree, the girl is deceived + emotionally dependent hard (she was depressed for 6 months of celibacy and describes… like a crossing of the desert), she touched the sea. to all the workshops of religiosity to end up in a sect

June 7, 2024

Andy Raconte's latest video terrifies me, she's downright crying, she's so into her thing, it reeks of indoctrination and sectarian influence, pity me. wake up my beautiful

June 3, 2024

Out of curiosity I went watch the latest video from Andy Raconte
I'm sorry but I really don't have the impression of seeing a person who has turned to religion, I have the impression of seeing a person trapped in a sect, it's ultra unhealthy p>June 3, 2024

I admit that Andy Tell who becomes a sect influencer it wasn't in my bingo 2024

June 5, 2024

What's happening to you? Andy Tells? Satan attacking him, mystical delirium,… does it all smell like a sect?
His video made me feel so bad. comfortable

June 3, 2024

it's a bit dangerous, Andy's video tells about his evangelical sect here. I don't understand why no one is worried about her…

June 4, 2024

My girlfriend just showed me the latest Andy Raconte video. her eh, we hope that she will get out of her sect

June 3, 2024

And you, what do you think of the last video ;o from So Andy? Do you believe that she really fell into a sectarian movement? Don't hesitate to Share your opinion with us in the comment section. And if the theme of sects interests you, here are the Top 10 craziest sects.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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