< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/E6/61/IB-1IJOLOR2I_FC931624.jpg" Alt = "will save 97% of the capacity after 100 cycles: Scientists have created an improved lithium-ion battery"/~ 62 < P > New Technology made it possible to increase the service life, stability and energy density of lithium-ion batteries.
< P > A group of scientists under the guidance of Professor Dongvuk Khan from the Seul National University of Science and Technology in South Korea has developed innovative technology to improve lithium-ion batteries. About this & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; in the press release, published on PR Newswire.
< P > It is reported that scientists have modified the cathodes of LNMO (lithium-nickel-manganese oxide) to increase the service life, stability and energy density of lithium-ion batteries. Lnmo is considered a promising material for high -voltage cathodes, but it has unwanted adverse reactions that reduce its performance such as electrolyte decomposition.
< p >To increase the productivity of LNMO cathode, Professor Dongvuk Khan and his team presented a double engineering approach. Scientists have designed Li-Vacant Substrate Ways to improve the migration of lithium ions and a protective layer enriched with K₂co₃, to protect the cathode from electrolyte decomposition.
< P > “The synergistic effect of these layers leads to excellent performance of the electrochemical cycle of charge/discharge and high thermal stability of LNMO cathode”, & mdash; said Khan Dongvuk. < P > Initially, the usual LNMO (R-LNMO) cathodes were synthesized using soaded hydrothermal reactions and then solid-phase reactions. Then the prepared R-LNMO cathodes were subjected to surface modification by treating the particles with a KOH aqueous solution. This led to the formation of surface-modified lnmo (lnmo_koh).< P > During testing, improved cathodes showed a discharge capacity of approximately 110 MAG/g with 97% storage of capacity after 100 cycles, which is a noticeable improvement compared to the discharge capacity of 89 mAh/g and 91% of the storage of untreated LNMO cathodes. More than the material showed the potential for faster charging.
< p > “Our technology is not limited to LNMO, but can also be applied to commercial cathode materials, including high-performance Li [Ni1-I-Zcoymnz] O2 (NMC) and Lifepo4 (LFP). We consider it expanding the use of batteries in large electric vehicles and energy storage systems, providing high energy density and exceptional safety “, & mdash; Summing Professor Khan.