< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/CA/81/IB-FQ8Q2ad0a_c8F4F4F962.PNG" ALT = "What professions depend most on si: new research"/> ~ ~ < P >< Strong > The study is based on the analysis of millions of anonymous requests to Claude.ai and shows which professions are most used by these technologies 0 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < P > Analysts & nbsp; < strng > anthropic econs Index & nbsp; nbsp; The study is based on the analysis of millions of anonymous requests to Claude.ai and shows which professions are most used by these technologies.
< H2 > key research conclusions
< Ul > < li >AI is mainly used to develop software and write texts < l > 36% of professions use AI at least a quarter of their tasks, and 4% & ndash; more than in 75% of cases
< li > si more often helps people (57%) than fully automate the task (43%)
< LI > Technology is most common among medium- and highly paid professionals (such as programmers and analysts), but less popular with low- and highly paid professions that require physical work ~ ~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 ~
< h2 > What professions most work with si ?
< Ol > < li > First place & ndash; Compl & Rsquo; Emergency Sciences and Programming (37% of All Requests).
< Ol > < li > second place & ndash; media, design, entertainment (10% of requests).
< li > the least requests & ndash; from fields requiring physical labor (eg agriculture & ndash; only 0.1%).
< h2 > or shi displaces people ?
< blockquote > < P > Despite the fear that artificial intelligence will take jobs, the report shows that AI is more expanding people than replacing them. Technologies actively use copywriters, analysts and IT specialists, but they cannot fully automate the workflow.
< p > Will this trend be changed ?
< p > with the development of the AI impact on the labor market will only grow. Already, technology changes ways to work in many areas and companies adapt their strategies to new realities.
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