In January of this year, WhatsApp plans to carry out a large-scale cleanup, deleting all user accounts that have remained inactive for a long time. This step is part of the company's strategy aimed at improving the security of the platform and the efficiency of its use. The developers recommend that all users who wish to save their account regularly open the application, even if they do not actively use it for messaging.
According to data provided by Primpress, using the messenger offline or simply being online without activity does not guarantee the preservation of the account. WhatsApp closely monitors the activity of its users and considers regular access to the application to be a key factor.
The official WhatsApp blog notes that deleting inactive accounts is a necessary measure to ensure the protection of active users from potential threats. Inactive accounts can become targets for fraudulent schemes or be used for malicious purposes. This step is aimed at creating a safer environment for all users of the platform.
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