< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/F8/12/IB-FR85QB8T1_AA0888c38.jpg" Alt = "What to Choose Instead of Chrome: 5 Interesting Browsers who will retain your privacy"/> ~ < P > It is believed that everything is interesting in Internet surfing has long been invented, so for most, browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari have become standard and are associated with the Internet search. However, browsers include unnoticed treasures that offer original solutions and non -standard approaches to privacy and performance. We have already talked about several of them in & nbsp; a previous article, today decided to supplement the list.
< h2 class = "" > vivaldi: a sea of settings and no compromises
< p >Let's start with & nbsp; vivaldi & nbsp; & mdash; A browser who tries to cover literally everything that can only be invented. Its creators were once involved in the development of popular web surfing solutions, but then focused on the idea of creating something special. The point is that the user can adjust the entire interface & mdash; from the layout of the tabs to how the toolbar looks.
< p > vivaldi has one decisive rice & mdash; Workspaces mode, where the tabs are grouped by topics or activities (work, training, news search). This greatly simplifies the lives of those who do not imagine their day without two dozen open pages. Just as an interesting feature is the ability to divide the screen into several tabs to watch several sites at a time.
< p >Much attention is paid to privacy. Although Vivaldi is built on the Chromium driver, developers are trying to avoid massive statistics. They integrated their own advertising filters and trackers, so it is more difficult for third parties to monitor your behavior. In addition, vivaldi is often optimized so that you do not convert your device to & laquo; a heater & raquo; from overload. All this makes it a wonderful compromise between the wealth of functions and the speed.
< h2 class = "" > Colibri: Minimalistic approach without tabs
< p >Colibri is probably the most original experiment in the field of web surfing, because there are no usual tabs for us. Instead, you can open sites in the new window or just replace the current content. To store and arrange links or lists, you need to register a free account: When switching on the auditor, all stored items are synchronized and displayed as compact tiles (through toggle View switch). & Amp; nbsp;
~ ~ < p > Colibri interface is easily minimalist: only six buttons (backward, forward, update page, add to the list, search and switching of the view) and no unnecessary functionality or extension. & Amp; nbsp;
< P > Browser blocks third parties trying to track your activity, advertising and dubious hosts, however, protect tests from trekking indicate that Colibri is not an unwavering shield for each threat. But if you seek maximum simplicity and do not want to mess with excessive settings, Colibri can become a nice opening.
< h2 class = "" > Waterfox: Open-Source without corporate impact
< p >Waterfox & nbsp; & mdash; A beautiful example of how you can take a time -tested driver and rethink it with transparency and respect for users' privacy. Firefox was taken as the basis of the Firefox, but all the mechanisms of tracking or excessive telemetry were cleaned here. Waterfox developers emphasize that users have to decide how deep the system analyzes their behavior, not to receive consent to collect any data.
< p >In general, Waterfox is a little like classic options: there is a light, more traditional interface. But there is a difference inside. The extensions and topics used by ancient fans in another environment are mostly compatible with Waterfox. There is also a flexible control system, which allows you to manually decide which components to leave active and which to turn off. This is convenient for those who check new plugins but do not want to risk stability or safety.
< P > It is worth mentioning that Waterfox does not consume an excessive amount of system resources, especially when compared to heavy monsters that can download Pam & Rsquo; there are several dozen processes. Therefore, for the average Waterfox working machine will be a good compromise between speed and use of resources.
< h2 class = "" > librewolf: complete isolation from telemetry
< p >Librewolf & nbsp; & mdash; Another example of an open -based browser based on tight control over privacy. It is not at all about collecting telemetry or sending diagnostic data. This means that when you open a page, there is no unnecessary intermediary between the browser and the Web. Even standard features like safe browsing are not available because of the desire not to contact server lists.
< P > Of course, such an isolation can be a surprise for beginners. In some cases, Librewolf blocks too aggressive scripts, and you see inferior pages where there are no interactive elements. However, the experts in privacy or those who agree on their own & Rsquo; to focus such issues will appreciate this uncompromising approach. In addition, the browser is built in Ublock Origin, which does not allow banners and trackers in almost no form.
< p >Librewolf should be recommended for people who are serious about protecting their digital traces. It is designed for those who are ready to spend a few minutes on additional settings and understand why hard insulation is needed. But users get an environment where you can really count on anonymity.
< h2 class = "" > Tempst: Privacy and simplicity in one place
< p > Tempst & nbsp; & mdash; This is a relatively new browser trying to keep your privacy. The browser is based on & nbsp; chromium, thanks to which it is compatible with most modern websites. At the same time, the developers have added their own filters to block advertising and potentially dangerous scripts, as well as special & laquo; aggressive mode & raquo; protection that is suitable for those who wish for enhanced anonymity.
< p > an interesting feature of Tempst is the function of randomized digital print. It changes the set of technical parameters (resolution, device type, language settings, etc.), for which sites usually identify users. Thus, the browser complicates the tracking process, although it can cause non -standard behavior on certain resources. In addition, Tempest has its own search engine that encrypts requests and does not collect typical visits statistics.
< p > for most users attractive is the ability to immediately use the basic protection tools & mdash; without installing additional extensions. If you want to personalize the system to your needs, Tempest allows you to turn off or turn on specific protective modules while maintaining an intuitive interface and a high security level.
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