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Victorious, Putin promises an intractable Russia | War in Ukraine

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Mar18,2024

Victorious, Putin promises an intractable Russia | War in Ukraine

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Vladimir Putin speaks after the closing of polling stations in Moscow.

Agence France-Presse

“Record”, “exceptional”: Moscow x27;is congratulated Monday on Vladimir Putin's landslide victory in the Russian presidential election, a result presented as proof of national unity behind his assault on Ukraine, but forged in the repression of Ukraine. opposition.

The Russian president, in power for almost a quarter of a century, won 87.29% of the votes out of 99.76% of the votes counted, or 10 points more than in 2018.

This is a record indicator, proclaimed the head of the Electoral Commission, Ella Pamfilova. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov applauded a truly exceptional result and an eloquent confirmation of the Russian people's support for their president.

Abroad, Moscow's partners unanimously welcomed his re-election, which Westerners, for their part, denounced as a sham of democracy.< /p>

Chinese leader Xi Jinping said the result demonstrated Russians' full support for Vladimir Putin, while Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi saw it as a solid victory. The leaders of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia also congratulated Mr. Putin.

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extended his congratulations and called for strengthening the special relationship between the two countries.

Berlin, London, Paris and the head of European diplomacy, for their part, castigated a vote under duress, following a presidential election in which no real rival was able to present themselves, in full repression of any dissenting voice.

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, reacted by affirming that Ottawa was concerned about the irregularities of the process election which ended in Russia.

Canada condemns the conduct of the vote in the occupied territories of Ukraine, which constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, added Ms. Joly, describing the presidential election in Russia undemocratic process that does not comply with international standards.

The Russian president celebrated his victory on Sunday evening by painting a portrait of a consolidated Russia that will not allow itself to be intimidated by its adversaries.

A concert is to take place in the evening on Red Square to celebrate Mr. Putin's stay in the Kremlin and the 10th anniversary of the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, the starting point of Ukraine's military aggression. Moscow against Kiev which culminated in the assault on February 24, 2022.

A major security system was put in place in the neighborhood on Monday and groups of supporters of the Russian president were present at midday. Some wear blue windbreakers crossed out with the words: Our loyalty to the homeland gives us strength.

Regarding the front, however, the whole week was marked by deadly bombings and incursions by armed fighters from Ukraine in an attempt to disrupt the vote and show Russia that it cannot ;is not safe on its territory.

In the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, these attacks have at least 13 dead since March 12, according to local authorities.

Vladimir Putin on Sunday saluted his soldiers fighting in Ukraine, who protect Russia's historic territories, further confirming his imperialist ambitions, he who has already claimed the annexation of five Ukrainian regions. He estimated that the Russian forces, on the offensive against a Ukrainian army lacking men and ammunition, had full initiative.

These advances still remain limited, but the Russian president is betting on the continued weakening of Western support for Kiev.

In Russia, no one can contradict him anymore: the three other selected candidates were all in line, whether it was the #x27;Ukraine or the repression which culminated with the death of opponent Alexeï Navalny in an Arctic prison in February.

The opposition nevertheless managed to show itself during this presidential election.

Youlia Navalnaïa, who swore to take up the torch from her husband, called on her supporters to all go and vote at the same time, at noon on Sunday. She herself voted at the Russian Embassy in Berlin, saying she wrote Navalny on her ballot.

The deceased's team, which accuses the Kremlin of having killed the opponent, judged that the score obtained by Mr. Putin had no connection with reality.

Sunday evening, the Russian president spoke the name of his late adversary publicly for the first time, suddenly claiming to have been in favor of his release as part of an exchange of prisoners with the West.

The spokesperson for the Russian presidency, Dmitri Peskov, denigrated Ms. Navalnaïa on Monday, downplaying her link with Russia, even though she was forced into exile.

Youlia Navalnaïa is one of those people who lose their roots, lose their connection with the homeland, lose their understanding of their homeland, no longer feel the pulse of their country, he said. he estimated.

Like her, hundreds of thousands of Russians fled the country because of the repression and for fear of being mobilized in the army.

Across the world, thousands of them responded to the call of the #x27;opposition and went to vote en masse together against Mr. Putin.

In places in Moscow as in St. Petersburg, large queues formed also trained at the appointed time. But in front of other polling stations, the crowds did not seem particularly high.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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