< img src = "/uploads/blogs/08/68/ib-fr5qvjblh_cc3e9834.jpg" Alt = "in Viber has a quick way to block the user and find out who blocked you"/> ~ < P > Viber remains one of the largest messengers among Ukrainians thanks to a convenient popular interface and a wide set of function & mdash; From text messages and media to audio and video calls. But in addition to standard capabilities, the platform also allows you to quickly protect yourself from unwanted contacts.

< p > tell how to block the user in Viber and how do you understand that who has blocked you.

< p >< strong > How to block contact in viber

~ ~ < Ul > < li > to limit access to yourself for a specific subscriber in Viber, perform a few simple steps: < li >Open Viber and go to the & laquo; settings & raquo; .

< li > Choose the item & laquo; privacy & raquo; And then & mdash; & laquo; blocked numbers & raquo; .

< li > Press & laquo;+& raquo; (Android) or & laquo; add number & raquo; (iOS) in the upper right corner.

< li > Choose contact with the list and confirm the lock.

< p >

< P > You can also block the user through chat:

< Ul > < li > Open the dialogue with contact.

< li > click on his name & rsquo; i at the top of the screen. < li > go to & laquo; chat information and parameters & raquo; .

< li > Scroll down and press & laquo; block this contact & raquo; .

< p >< strng > As you know if you were blocked in viber

~ ~ < p > check if you were in & laquo; black list & raquo; another user can be on several grounds:

< Ul > < li > If you sent a message but see only one gray tick & mdash; You were probably blocked. This means that the message has not been delivered.

< l > in a normal situation with & Rsquo; two gray ticks (messages delivered) are appeared, and after reading & mdash; They remain purple.

< li > also when locking you can't see when the user is online, add it to the group or make a call.

< p > These simple tips you better control communication in messengers and protect your space from unwanted contacts.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116