< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/30/C2/IB-FQ4HGLLLUT_784F9549.PNG" Alt = "in Ukraine will be judged by two men who distributed content with warnings"/> ~ ~ ~ < p > Two residents of the Kremenchug district of Poltava region & nbsp; nbsp; they will be judged for the spread of anti -Ukrainian content. About it reports the regional prosecutor's office.
< p > it is about two men & ndash; Residents of Kremenchuk and Gorishni Plavni, which on their pages in the prohibited social network & nbsp; nbsp; anti -Ukrainian materials were distributed. & nbsp;
~ ~ < p > Kremenchuk's resident & nbsp; accused of calling for violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity, justification of armed aggression of the Russian Federation and glorification of its participants. Residents & nbsp; mountain plants & nbsp; accminal the spread of materials that contain objections & nbsp; wars by presenting it as an internal civic conflict and justification of temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine. < p > in the spring of 2023 the Kremenchuk repost & nbsp; Materials that stated that & laquo; Ukraine should not be, but Ukrainians & ndash; tenants of Russian land & raquo;.
< P > A resident of Horishni Plavni in late 2022 and early 2023 & nbsp; spread the materials in which the inhabitants of East of Ukraine were called & laquo; the only good Ukrainians who decided to withstand the Nazis & raquo;. & nbsp; & nbsp;
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