TV Republika, which has recorded record viewership in recent months, has found itself in the center of serious troubles. < img src = "" alt = "Electoral Evening on TV Republika/YouTube @tv Republika" styles = "background-color: rgba (78,73,96.1)" > < P > The National Broadcasting Council imposed three new financial penalties to the station, which the total amount is PLN 71 thousand. As it turns out, this is not the end of proceedings against the sender, and subsequent investigations are in progress.
< P >The channel managed by Tomasz Sakiewicz regularly raises controversy, earl Accusations of a lack of objectivity, close relationships with PiS politicians and controversial content appearing on the air meant that TV Republika has already been under the magnifying glass of KRRIT. < p > A few months ago the sender was punished for the issue of a vulgar statement of one of the viewers in the program & ampquo; m & oacute; wi … & & rdquo;. As the spokeswoman KRRiT, Teresa Brykczyńska, who explained the program, hosted by the program & ampquo; in insufficient way, he reacted to the offensive, hateful statement & rdquo; person calling to the studio. < p > Now it turns out that this is just the beginning of the problem & oacute; w. KRRiT decided that TV Republika has committed further violations, for which three new penalties were imposed. < p > during a press conference, the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council Maciej Świrski announced that from the beginning of 2025 the authority imposed as many as 21 financial penalties on R & oacute; < P >The latest sanctions are the result of a three -time fracture of the recipe “Oacute; in the station. KRRiT pointed to: < ul > < li > no reactions leading to the spread of hate speech in live programs,< li > Manipulative content in information materials,
< li > improper markings
< p > One of the situations that aroused the detailed interest of the program, was the broadcast of the program & interview with the hooligan & rdquo;, in which inappropriate graphics and suggestive content appeared. KRRiT & AMP; Oacute; has been to TV Republika about explanations in this matter, but for now she has not received an answer.
< P >However, this is not the end of the problem & oacute; at the station. KRRiT is currently investigating the event of the event of July 23, 2024, when the program of Jacek Sobali was to spread hatred by the viewer by the spectators of & in calling to the studio. According to the regulator, the lecturer did not react in an appropriate manner & oacute; b, which could have contributed to the escalation of hate. < p > In addition, KRRiT called TV Republika to stop the improper marking of the material & oacute; in cited from TVP. The signing of content aroused as illegal tvp & rdquo;, which according to the regulator could be misleading the viewer. < p > — The KRRiT position is that if we have copyright m & oacute; then it should be given directly: & lsquo; & oacute; hand: tvp & rsquo; & Amp; MDASH; explained Świrski. < P > Republika TV is not the only broadcaster who was in the KRRIT sight. The available information shows that in recent months financial penalties have also received TVP, TVN, TV6, Eleven Sports and Fratria (sender WPOLSCE24). < p > One of the louder example of & oacute; W was to punish tvp for broadcasting the program & ampquo; special report. The masterpiece of Rydzyk & rdquo;, KT & oacute; ry caused great controversy among the viewer & oacute; w and expert & oacute; w.< P > TV Republic has the option of appealing against the KRRiT decision and lodging a complaint against the decision of the regulator. For now, however, it is not known whether Tomasz Sakiewicz will decide on such a step.
< p > There is no doubt that the controversy around the republic TV and its relations with PiS politicians will continue to arouse emotions. In the face of the growing number of proceedings and financial penalties, the future of the station may be uncertain. Whether the sender will decide to change the strategy or will continue to follow the same path ? time will show