< img src = "/uploads/blogs/37/46/IB-FR66T8O8O8D_37C6FC93.jpg" Alt = "Trump Wants & quot; Gold dome; quot & quot; < p > US President & nbsp; Donald Trump & nbsp; set up a defense system of the Golden Dome defense system before US military tasks. This system, by idea, will be able to protect the US from a long range rocket kicks, and the White House reported that it would not spare money to fulfill this plan.
< p > Trump's next utopian idea reports & nbsp; cnn, who interviewed his own sources in Pentagon and other military experts.
~ < h2 > What is the “gold dome”
< p >According to the television company, & nbsp; “gold dome” & mdash; It is an attempt by Trump administration to make a re -brick of foggy plans for developing a missile defense system similar to the Iron Dome.
< p > However, in addition to the name and general concept in the military. Start financing the “gold dome” is planned no earlier than next year. & Amp; nbsp; & nbsp;< p > “< Em > now” Golden Dome “& mdash; this is a truly idea “, & mdash; said a source familiar with internal discussions about the project, adding that the development may have technology that is still purely conceptual.
< P > Military experts remind that the Israeli “Iron Dome” protects a country that can be compared by the state of New Jersey. But, apparently, Trump wants to create a missile defense system of space base, capable of protecting all the United States.
< p >Readmiral Mark Montgomery believes that the creation of a missile defense system can be possible in 7-10 years, but even then it will have serious restrictions and will potentially be able to protect only critical federal buildings and large cities.
~ ~ ~ ~ < h2 > why “gold dome” does not work< p >< iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/c7tc47s5vhs" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P > < P > Military companies are already rubbing hands by providing large government orders. For example, a well -known company & nbsp; Lockheed Martin has released a commercial in which the city is guarded by the Golden Dome system. Demonstrated the quiet life of the night city until the system reflects the attacks of the enemy, and the locals do not even notice it.
< p >CNN experts call it a utopia and compare Trump's plan with the idea of Reagan, who wanted to build space protection against nuclear missiles. The program was known as the “Star Wars” and cost the states billions of dollars and was ultimately canceled.
< P > The current defense of America from ballistic missiles is designed to prevent a small number of missiles from the country, such as North Korea or Iran. The system is based on a ground defense system at the intermediate course (GMD), which, according to the Armed Forces Association, has failed almost half of the tests, which makes it unable to stop a major attack by Russia or China.
~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > “< Em > According to our estimates, to try to resist the rapid volley of ten intercontinental ballistic missiles, such as the North Korean Hwasong-18, you will need a group of about 16 000 interceptors < h2 > which is the best protection strategy< P > According to a source familiar with a project, representatives of US military agencies now estimate how the “gold dome” can violate the current stability of nuclear restraint.
< P > Today is the main factor of restraint against another country that causes a preventive nuclear attack is the ability to survive a second stroke and a guaranteed ability to respond even after a primary nuclear attack.
< p > “< Em >” Gold dome “strategically does not make sense. Technically does not make sense. Economically does not make sense “, & mdash; said John Tirney, a former Congressman from a Democratic Party who has conducted hearing for protection against ballistic missiles for years.