< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/Public/2025-02/Trump%20 entertainment%20d%27 Pliner%20le%20Vaccin%20Contre%20La%20Cavid-19%20%20 A%20 Virage%20radical%20les% 20 United States.png ? Itok = ftgzkfpp " width = "1280" height = "720" Alt = "Trump envisages d ' Prohibit the COVVI-9 vaccine A radical turn in the United States" Class = "Lazyload Img-Flid Image-Style-Max-300x1300 "" SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/2025-02/TRUMP%20 entertainment%20d%27 Direction%20le%% 20vaccin%20Contre%20La%20Cavid-13%20%20 a%20 Virage%20radical%20s%20 USAs.png ? Itok = DQKNVQWX " /> France-Soir, ia IMA II: Trump is considering D & Amp;#039; Prohibit the COVVI-19 vaccine a radical turn in the United States < P > While the peace negotiations in Ukraine seem to be taking shape without the involvement of Europeans, it is another information which attracts our attention, a surprising new which shakes America: < Strong > The Trump administration is seriously planning to ban COVVI-19 vaccines to all citizens Americans . & nbsp;
< P >This decision, if it materialized, would represent a complete reversal compared to the policies previously adopted under the aegis of the same president, in particular with the initiative “Operation Warp Speed” which had accelerated the development and distribution of vaccines. It’s an article in the Daily Mail that talks about it today. Here is a summary following a strong tweet enthusiasm by Dr Aseem Malhotra: < Blockquote Class = "Twitter-tweet" >< P Lang = "Dir =" Ltr "> Breaking< p >< Iframe Width = "560" Height = "315" Title = "Youtube Video Player" FrameBorder = "0" Allow = "Acceleometer; Autoplay; src = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/kf-3dhjqs-s?iSe=hxzc_5pirja0k9ha" >
< P >< Strong > The implementation potential of the prohibition: How could such a ban be implemented remains vague. Such a drastic measure would require that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) withdraw its approval from vaccines for security or efficiency reasons. It should be recalled that during his first mandate, Trump was at the origin of the rapid development of vaccines, a realization then praised as a medical feat. & Amp; nbsp;< P > This 180 degree turn therefore raises many questions about political and scientific motivations behind this decision. In a recent interview, the Senator Ron Johnson explained to France-Soir the various measures he intended to take as well as the degrees of liberty he had as president of the permanent commission of inquiry of the American Senate.
< P >< Strong > The political and social context: This proposal comes in a climate of growing mistrust towards vaccines, fueled by what the subsidized mainstream media still call for conspiracy theories. But remember that these same media were mistaken, among other things, on the Lancetgate (retraced study) and the origin of the virus. While independent scientists fuel the social networks of increasingly relevant analysis on early treatments and very numerous side effects of covid vaccination. & Amp; nbsp;
< P >Thus increasingly audible voices in various political circles have been raised. Legislators in states such as Idaho and Montana have already introduced bills to prohibit mRNA vaccines, while activists at the local level, in states like Tennessee, Iowa and Washington, envisage similar prohibitions in terms of counties. & nbsp;
< P >< Strong > Reactions and implications: The reactions to this proposal are varied and polarized. On the one hand, opponents of the prohibition highlight the scientific evidence which demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines in the reduction of hospitalizations and deaths linked to COVID-19. But these people often have proven links with the pharmaceutical industry. On the other hand, supporters of the prohibition are based on interpretations, deemed controversial by the data authorities on excess deaths, suggesting that vaccines could be responsible for these statistical anomalies. & Amp; nbsp;
< P >Medical expertise remains divided, with certain experts accusing promoters of the prohibition to manipulate or misinterpret the data. A real subject that Dr. Jay Bhattacharya wants to resolve by restoring his letters of nobility to science and especially by auditing the system of scientific journals which is captured by the pharmaceutical industry, as he declared it to France-Soir. He is not the only one since in France, the Professors Perronne and Raoult strongly criticized the review by peers. & nbsp; a renowned approach to the “worse review” by Pr Martin Zizi. & nbsp;
< P >< Strong > The challenges and questions for The future: If this ban should be promulgated, the repercussions on public health would be incalculable. Not only could this shake confidence in American health institutions, but it could also influence global vaccination policy. Florida, which has already considered such a ban, gives an overview of possible local reactions. < P > This potential reversal of vaccination policy under the direction of Trump highlights tensions Between science, politics, and ideology in the management of health crises. While the debate continues, the United States is at the crossroads, having to decide whether science or conspiracy theories will guide the future of their public health policy. For the moment, President Trump keeps his campaign promises on transparency. & Amp; nbsp; < P >< Strong > and in Europe ?< P >Certain associations such as Bonsens.org or Verityfrance have distinguished themselves by their scientific publications on vaccines, and legal around the lack of transparency on vaccine contracts, and especially the questioning of their authorizations by the many side effects observed . & nbsp;< P > approach this subject always leads to the messenger Immediate discredit of mainstream media and authorities. Could it be on the verge of changing with the wind from the west following the appointment of Robert Kennedy Jr. and the presidential decree which put the Make America Healthy Again project on the rails ?< Br >< Br >The story seems once again to prove the late Nobel Prize in Medicine Luc Montagnier. After having been the first to confirm the artificial origin of the virus with the mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, his declaration to France-Soir by evoking the vaccination Covid as “a strategic error which impacts humanity” could well prove to be a again correct. Science, wisdom, knowledge ? The forecaster said! & Amp; nbsp;
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