Tomasz Jakubiak set himself an ambitious goal. < img src = "" Alt = "Tomasz Jakubiak/YouTube @Seriale - Summary" styles = "background-color: rgba (135,123,114.1)" > < p > as it reminds the website & ampquo; gossip & ampquo;, Tomasz Jakubiak is struggling with cancer. The chef suffers from a rare type of cancer and although his situation is difficult, he does not intend to give up, fighting for the return. Jakubiak reports his struggles in social media. Recently, he shared the staff from a walk. He also betrayed R & Amp; Oacute; what the target has.

< P >< Strong > Tomasz Jakubiak fights for health

< P >In September last year, Tomasz Jakubiak shared the information that he suffers from rare cancer. The chef has intensive therapy and treatment in Israel behind him. He recently admitted that although he still has some problems, “Something positive in his stomach is starting to happen in his stomach. He also revealed that & ampquo; tumor markers have completely fallen to him &.

< p > in one of the latest recordings posted by Jakubiak in social media, the chef admitted that he had a challenge. He wanted to cover a certain distance using special poles & oacute; w. In this way, juror & bdquo; MasterChef & rdquo; He wants to rebuild muscle mass. In this difficult time, Jakubiak can count on the support of friends & ł.

< P >& AMP; BDQUO; Today breaking more records & oacute; in, friends came to support me to learn. See, I entered G & Amp; Oacute; RKA. Jerzyk put me there in & oacute; and I have to overcome this route now. But in the end you have to train these legs somehow, because what is not allowed ? You must never give up & rdquo; & ndash; betrayed Jakubiak on Instastories.

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< P >< Strong > Another recording already on w & oacute; zku

< p > on the next recording posted on Instagram Jakubiak & oacute; he was to his supporters & an amp; oacute; in already with in & oacute; He admitted that the legs finally & He emphasized, however, that the challenge was interesting & rdquo;. Fortunately, Jakubiak m & oacute; count on the support of friends & ł.

< p > Internet users, who regularly follow Jakubiak's entries, stressed some time ago that the chef seems to be in a better form & rdquo;. “You look good, Mr. Tomek. It's nice to see in a better form”, “You look definitely better” “& ndash; This is only some of the many positive comments under Jakubiak's entry about & ampquo; MasterChef teens & rdquo;.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116