Tomasz Jakubiak shared quite disturbing information. < img src = "" Alt = "Tomasz Jakubiak/Instagram @Tomaszjakubiak" styles = "background-color: rgba (153,127,107,1)" > < P > Tomasz Jakubiak has been dealing with cancer for several months. Some time ago, the chef emphasized that his condition was slightly improving. As reminded of the portal & bdquo; goniec & rdquo;, former juror & ampquo; MasterChefa & rdquo; PR & oacute; I am known to learn to walk, which is an extremely demanding task. Recently, Jakubiak revealed that he is not colorful, and his wife is & ampquo; naurmousted & rdquo;. Also revealed the reasons.
< P >< Strong > Tomasz Jakubiak fights with a rare cancer< p > When Tomasz Jakubiak started losing weight last year, Internet users delighted his transformation and congratulated his metamorphosis. Nobody suspected that the reason for losing weight was a serious illness. Jakubiak said openly in September last year. He also admitted that his condition is serious, and cancer is quite rare.
< p > & ampquo; something that is practically not occurring or occurred in the world of a percent of people in the world ' & ndash; confessed by the chef, quoted by & ampquo; bishop & rdquo;, admitting how unusual the cancer is with which & oacute; < P >Cook treatment continues. He has a stay in Israel, where he underwent experimental therapy. The disease has affected it strongly and must learn so simple activities as even walking. In social media, he shares its progress. < P > < img src = "" Alt = "Report of Tomasz Jakubiak/Instagram @Tomasz Jakubiak" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (146,104,103.1)" > < P >< Strong > Jakubiak m & oacute; w o & bdquo; naurmous wife & In one of the last recordings, Tomasz Jakubiak admitted that his wife is & ampquo; a little stucky & rdquo; And he revealed what was behind it. In the company of his wife, the chef went to the palace in Wilanów. Unfortunately, this time Jakubiak was unable to go on his own and his wife had the need to push into & icute; zka. < p > good, good, because it was not about it. As you can see, and so the most beautiful walks are of course with a beloved wife, who & oacute; razu a bit stuck, because he must push. Today, somehow, this form of r & oacute; & ndash; Jakubiak said, without hiding that he had harder days. < p >< blockquote class = "Instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-Captioned Data-Instgrm-permalink = "" Data-instgrm-version = "12" Style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">