A tense atmosphere during the next Smolensk monthly. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/9b8119/620x0/1/0/2025/03/10/4kjniujdzcpjs2axyd2fqefqefxhf32k54sze1tccss.png" alt = "Jarosław Kaczyński, monthly Smolensk/YouTube @super Express" styles = "background-color: rgba (101,92,93.1)" > < p > On Monday, April 10, another Smolensk monthly took place. As reported by the portal & ampquo; goniec & rdquo;, known & oacute; in it was not without a row. The atmosphere became extremely tense quite quickly. Yes < P >< Strong > another monthly Smolensk

< p > As every month, Jarosław Kaczyński with a entourage appeared at Piłsudski Square in Warsaw. They gathered at the monument to the victims of the Smolensk disaster to lay flowers. The PiS president spoke. His speech has a strong reaction from the & oacute; b, which & oacute; are protesting against Smolensk monthly monthly.

< p > Kaczyński, as with almost each of his speech, emphasized that the Tu-154N responsible for the disaster would be settled. His speech was drowned out by the opponent & Oacute; Protesters directed the slogan at the PiS president of the PiS ' and & bdquo; liar &.

< P >The people accompanying Kaczyński reacted to this in two ways & oacute; b. Some tried to ignore the screams of the counter -manifestant & Oacute; W, while others clearly expressed their dissatisfaction. Marek Suski was among the latter.

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Kaczyński himself did not hide the irritation

< p > Jarosław Kaczyński was also unable to stop irritation. During his speech, he repeatedly referred to the presence of a manifestant & oacute; in the passivity that he thinks were supposed to show the cleaning service present at the site.

< p > as it reminds the portal & goniec & though PiS announced that it would download the Tupolev wreck to the country, in 8 years the government & oacute; in the United Right camp could not be done.

< p > & ampquo; our position remains unchanged: dop & oacute; all procedural activities related to the investigation in Russia will be completed, the wreck as any factual infantry in the case must remain at the disposal of Russian, the authority of the Russian authority & in investigators & ndash; Sergei Andriejew said, quoted by & ampquo; bishop & rdquo;.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116