The Security Service of Ukraine has prepared a social advertisement in which it warned Ukrainian youth against cooperating with Russian special services.
The SBU, together with director Lyubomyr Levitsky, prepared a social video that informs citizens, and in particular, young people, about the inevitability of punishment for cooperating with the occupiers.
«After all, Russian special services are actively „hunting“ through social networks specifically targeting teenagers», — Ukrainian law enforcement officers emphasized.
Ukrainian law enforcement officers recalled that arson of property of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, state institutions, or mining are classified as terrorism or sabotage. Criminal liability is provided for these crimes, in particular for minors.
In 2024, the SBU and National Police have already detained more than 450 people who were carrying out similar tasks from Russian curators. Instead of «easy money» they received suspicion and a real prospect of imprisonment, law enforcement officers emphasized.
The SBU called those who were tried to recruit to report through chatbot the cases of recruitment and provide information about the contact who tried to recruit you.
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