< img src = "/uploads/blogs/83/14/14/IB-FR6AUHSAL_B2715237.jpg" Alt = "& quot; these people; these people are miserable & quot; quot; < P > US Secretary of State called one of the leading TV and Radio Companies of the Tabloid with gossip after news that Vitcoff plays a larger role in the settlement of war in Ukraine and other issues.

~ ~ < P > Criticized US Secretary of State Marco Rubio got one of the most influential media in America and in the world & mdash; CNN, where these days & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; material that revealed details of relations between him, US President Donald Trump and American leader Steve Vitcoff. The material stated that Rubio was in a shadow of “Vitcoff, even though he has the official status of the” chief diplomat “of the country. Marko Rubio & nbsp; nbsp & nbsp; on the page on the network X.

< p >“CNN & mdash; it is an antitramphoid tabloid gossip that uses low -trusted stories to generate clicks and tries to cause problems”, & mdash; Wrote the US Secretary of State.

< p > He also added that he really cooperates well with Vitcoff, and called him “one of the closest” people among those with whom he had to work in the White House team. The correspondents who work in CNN, Rubio called “pathetic”.

< p > In the comments under Rubio post, the posts were ironically answered by the Secretary < p > “Marco Rubio calls CNN” Tabloid gossip “, working overtime as a resident mill of Trump's rumors, & mdash; this is the top of irony”, & mdash; writes one of the commentary.

< p > It should be noted that CNN itself states that Rubio has gone into the background than Vitcoff, since his duties and responsibilities went “far beyond” the official title of Special Representative Donald Trump in the Middle East. Correspondents mentioned his role in the liberation of US hostages from Israel and Russia, as well as in negotiations on regulation of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

< p > “On which Rubio did not expect, so that he may risk getting into the shadow of the Secretary of State of one of Trump's closest friends, developer and billionaire Steve Witcoff”, & mdash; Read in the material.

< p > also correspondents have transferred from their sources in the White House that “Vitcoff has 100% Trump trust”.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116