< img src = "/uploads/blogs/fa/e3/ib-FR9Pro3ij_999EA2A6b.jpg" Alt = "The Widow of journalist Fox News sued for publication due to the death of a man in Ukraine"/> ~ ~ < P > Michel Ross-Stenton, widow P & Rsquo; Era Zazzhevsky, accuses Fox News of improper protection of her husband and the absence of the necessary insurance. It requires to pay 11.6 million dollars in compensation.
< p > Michel Ross-Stenton, the wife of the video journalist Fox News P & Rsquo; Era Zabzhevsky, sued FOX News. She expressed doubt about the circumstances of her husband's death who covered the war in Ukraine in March 2022, writes & nbsp; UNN & nbsp; with reference to The Washington Post.
~ ~ ~ > 62 ~ < p >< b > details 0 ~/p > < p > Ross Stemton filed a lawsuit against Fox in Britain, claiming that the publication did not properly protect her husband and had no necessary insurance to be able to pay full compensation to the family after his death. It requires Fox News to pay $ 11.6 million.< p >The Ross Stemton claim claims that FOX is responsible for the lack of a safety consultant and for the fact that she said an inadequate assessment of risks before traveling. She claims that the TV channel was unable to “determine or did not pay attention to the fact that the trip was not safe enough and exposed the deceased and his colleagues at an unjustified risk of serious injury or death.”
~ < p > Ross-Stenton also requires to provide evidence in FOX whether the company's official's official's official's official's official was approved on his death. She recalled that a day earlier in the neighboring city of Irpin was killed by American journalist & nbsp; Brent Rena < P > “Zabzhevsky, who worked for the first time in the war zones, was convinced that Fox” has a high limit in case of serious injury or death when he made reports from high -risk conflicts for Fox News, ” < p > If the TV channel pursued a proper policy, according to her, the family would receive “significant insurance payment”.< P > In response to a request to comment on the claim, Fox News has given a statement about his memory of Zakzhevsky. The TV channel dedicated his London Bureau in 2023.
< p > “We remain devastated by Pierre Zakzhevsky's death. His extraordinary devotion of a story about the war in Ukraine has attracted attention to the atrocities that happen there, and we are gratefully grateful for his devotion to journalism and for his self -sacrifice. action “, – said in the statement.