Franciszek Pieczka, the legend of Polish cinema and theater, left on September 23, 2022, leaving behind not only artistic achievements, but also deep values ​​he followed in his life. < img src = "" alt = "Franciszek Pieczka/YouTube @Uwa! TVN" styles = "background-color: rgba (169,167,160,1)" > < p > Although for years he was delighted with the viewer in his roles in “four armored and dog”, “ranch” and many other productions, few knew what he was privately. Now, almost three years after his death, his son Piotr Pieczka shared extremely personal memories of his father.

< P >Franciszek Pieczka did not belong to the & oacute; b, which were looking for publicity. Unlike many, the actor & oacute; in he was never a hero of scandals, he did not strive for media popularity. His priority has always been family and values ​​who tried to convey to his children.

< p > his son, Piotr Pieczka, revealed with Pleiades that his father was extremely hard -working and practical. He had a talent for DIY, what the artist & oacute; in is not frequent.

< P > & AMP; BDQUO; He wanted Peter, who would grow up, learn something from him. He knew that what he would tell me would be useful to me in my life. From the value that the oacute; re tad raises & oacute; from the family home, for DIY, repairing R&P; Oacutene Things. He repeated that first you have to be repaired by yourself, and only a specialist. He regretted the fact that the world was getting more and more plastic and not repaired & rdquo; & ndash; recalls the son of the actor.

< P >Although he was a demanding father, he showed great love to children. Piotr Pieczka emphasized that his dad prayed a lot and in their home it was natural to read the Holy Bible and WSP; & oacute; < p > The death of Franciszek Pieczka was a great loss for Polish culture, but above all for his loved ones. The actor's son revealed that his father did not want to cause anyone a problem & oacute; in and managed to leave a peaceful departure.

< P > & AMP; Bdquo; said goodbye to us. He told us that if we leave somewhere, we have to say goodbye, because we do not know, every day he would bring us when our candle burns. He taught us that life must not be wasted on Kł & He did not regret any minute experienced in this world. & ndash; confessed by the moved Piotr Pieczka.

< p > The actor died surrounded by the family, in a place where he was his refuge for years. His funeral took place on September 29, 2022, and the casket with his body rested at the cemetery in Aleksandrów & Amp; Ndash; close to Warsaw Falenica, where he lived for years.

< p > Franciszek Pieczka remains in the memory of the viewer & oacute; in as one of the most outstanding Polish actor & oacute; w. Gustlik from “Four Panzer”, Stach Japycz from “Ranches”, as well as countless theatrical and film roles made him an unforgettable figure. His last film & ndash; “Hańba” by Tomasz Gąsiorowski & Amp; Ndash; premiered after his death.

< p > although he left, his legacy is still alive, and the values ​​that were guided in life, will remain an inspiration for subsequent generations. He was not only an outstanding artist, but above all a man with a great heart and deep faith in good.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116