< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/45/E2/IB-FR3FE52ST_6FC93162.jpg" Alt = "The technical characteristics of the advanced Israeli f-35i adir are opened"/> ~ 62 < p >The Israeli Air Force has received three new multi-purpose fighters of P & Rsquo; F-35i & laquo; adir & raquo;. Planes with onboard numbers & laquo; 963 & raquo ;, & laquo; 966 & raquo; and & laquo; 967 & raquo; They arrived on March 16, 2025 at the Air Base in the south of Israel. Aircraft manufacturer is the American company Lockheed Martin, which has shipped them from its factory in Fort Work, Texas.
< p > F-35i & laquo; adir & raquo; & mdash; This is the Israeli modification of the multi-purpose fighter P & Rsquo; F-35, adapted to the requirements of the Israeli Air Force. The aircraft is equipped with advanced avionic, unique Israeli electronic systems and the ability to integrate its own weapons. Its radar inconsistency, modern sensors and a powerful data collection and analysis system provide high efficiency in air battles, intelligence and strokes for land purposes. < P > F-35i modification includes Israeli electronic wrestling, SEB & Rsquo; Rsquo and Management, as well as the possibility of using local high-precision missiles and ammunition. Due to the ability to modernize independently, Israel can adapt the aircraft to its own tactical needs. F-35i is a key element of Israel's aviation advantage capable of acting in saturated air defense and performing deep penetration missions into hostile territory.< P > Air Base does not play a key role in the deployment of Israeli F-35i, providing rapid response to threats from the southern and eastern directions. In addition to the F-35, Israel is actively investing in anti-missile defense systems, including complexes & laquo; iron dome & raquo; and & laquo; David's Sneak & raquo;, forming a multi -level protection system.