New benchmark leaks shed light on Samsung's base Galaxy S25 model. This model will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor that runs at a lower clock speed than the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Researchers have found that the overclocked Snapdragon 8 Elite that powers the base Galaxy S25 doesn't deliver the same performance as the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Geekbench 6 test results showed that the single-core and multi-core performance of the base model is lower than that of its more advanced sibling.
What is known about the Galaxy S25
It is interesting to note that an updated version of the Snapdragon 8 Elite with a performance core frequency of 4.47 GHz was spotted in Geekbench 6 on the Galaxy S25 Ultra. The same configuration was also found on the base model of the Galaxy S25 with the model number SM-S931B.
It is also worth noting that the base model of the Galaxy S25 was tested with 12 GB of RAM. This fact could mean that Samsung is aiming to create a powerful and productive flagship smartphone, even in the basic configuration.