< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/87/E1/IB-FQTJPUK_2603D247.jpg" Alt = "Portchy" for 95 thousand: A woman was a victim of fraudulent, trying to "purify Aura"/~ 62 < p > in Volochychyna a woman transferred more than 95 thousand hryvnias a fraudster who issued herself for a fortune teller and promised to remove from her & laquo; damage & raquo;.
~ ~ ~ < P > The victim came across the Internet on the advertisement of & laquo; magical assistance & raquo; and decided to use the services of online military wreaths. For two weeks, she paid for remote rites and consultations. However, when the woman has ended money and she refused to pay more, & laquo; specialist & raquo; disappeared.
< p > realizing that she was a victim of fraud, the victim turned to the police. Law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 190 of the Criminal Code (& laquo; fraud & raquo;) and set the identity of the malefactor.
< p > Police urge citizens to be cautious and not trust doubtful & laquo; magical services & raquo; on the Internet.
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