The priest explains when communion without confession is a sin and when not. < img src = "" alt = "confessional/pixabay" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > As indicated by the portal & goniec & rdquo;, many faithful of the Catholic Church is convinced that the reception of Holy Communion without prior confession is sacrilege. Doubts in this topic were decided to be dispelled by Archbishop Stanislav Zore.
< P >< Strong > Can you take communion without confession ? < p > faithful of the Catholic Church are well aware of the need to comply with the church commandments. One of them orders to confess at least once a year, and take Holy Communion during Easter. < p > Many faithful are convinced that joining Holy Communion must be preceded by a holy confession. However, not everyone considers these commandments together, which leads to doubts. These decided to solve Archbishop Zore. < P >It turns out that not always receiving Holy Communion without confession means that we did wrong. The priest pointed out that even with light sins committed unknowingly, there is no need to visit the confessional before joining the Eucharist. < P > < img src = "" alt = "apb stanislav zore/youtube @exodus tv" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (53,62,73.1)" > < P >< Strong > Archbishop Zore & Amp; Rsquo; and he took the floor < P > & AMP; BDQUO; So if someone joins communion, without joining the sacrament of reconciliation, it doesn't mean that they sin. Who is not aware of heavy sin, may even join communion, because everyday sins are already forgiving regret at the beginning of the Holy Mass, prayer & Lord, I am not worthy of & rdquo; before communion and communion itself & rdquo; & ndash; said the priest. < p > What is important, in the case of sin & oacute; in severe the situation is different. Capuchin Father Piotr Jordan Śliwiński reminds that after committing a heavy sin, one should confess to M & Amp; Oacute; C fully participate in the Eucharist. The priest added that the more often we confess, the easier it is for us to join the sacrament of penance and persevere in good.< P > < img src = "" alt = "confession. Source:" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (" >