Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

The population of Ukraine may decrease significantly by 2051 – Ministry of Social Policy

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Apr2,2024

>> of Ukraine may significantly decrease/unsplash

According to calculations, in 2051 the population of Ukraine may amount to 25.2 million people. Thus, the number of Ukrainians will decrease by 11 million.

This will happen if Ukraine does not change its demographic strategy. This was announced by the Ministry of Social Policy.

As noted in the department, as of August 2023, the population was 36.3 million people. There were a total of 31.5 million people in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.

A number of threats that can affect the reduction of the number of Ukrainians:

  • rapid reduction of the population;
  • low birth rate;
  • deterioration of the health of the population;
  • increasing number of persons with disabilities;
  • high rate of premature mortality;
  • mass forced emigration of the population;
  • < li>illegal deportation of Ukrainian citizens abroad;

  • demographic aging;
  • large-scale internal displacement of the population.

Taking into account the stated challenges and threats, the effect of which will continue even after the end of the war, the population of Ukraine in 1991, according to the Institute of Demography and Problems of the quality of life of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, on January 1, 2041, it may decrease to 28.9 million people, and on January 1, 2051 – to 25.2, – the Ministry of Social Policy notes.

It was also clarified that forecasting the number of the population is complicated due to the lack of necessary statistical data. The reason is the occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine by the Russians.

The population of Ukraine may decrease significantly by 2051 of the year – Ministry of Social Policy

The population of Ukraine may decrease significantly

To counteract the rapid decrease in the population in Ukraine, the government proposes to adopt a strategy that provides for the provision of a decent level and quality of life for every Ukrainian , the creation of conditions for the return of Ukrainian citizens from abroad and the restoration of the population.

In particular, this is the creation of conditions for increasing the birth rate and supporting families; decrease in premature mortality; provision of migratory growth of the population; optimal placement of the population on the territory of Ukraine; adaptation of society to demographic aging and creation of conditions for active longevity; overcoming negative demographic trends through the development of opportunities for quality life in Ukraine.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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