Categories: Techno

The new Google feature shows the location of your contacts

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/45/07/ib-FR1Q6qcga_cef7b271.jpg" Alt = "The new Google feature shows the location of your contacts"/> ~ < P > Media Engadget & Nbsp; writes that Android users can track devices and people in one place. We talk about updates.

< h2 class = "wp-block-glading" > that happened

< p >Google & nbsp; updated the feature & laquo; find the device & raquo; and added tab & laquo; people & raquo;, on which the contacts are displayed that shared with you their location (and vice versa).

~ < P > This feature is available for Android users, about it by the company & nbsp; announced & nbsp; at the beginning of the month. Thanks to & nbsp; update & nbsp; users now see the location of real -time contacts on the map above the list, which displays:

~ < Ul > < li > addresses of their current positions;

< li > distance between devices;

< li > Time since the last update.

< h2 class = "wp-block-glading" > why is it important

< p >Google Maps & nbsp; already allows users to manage the exchange of information about location and track contacts, updates & laquo; find my device & raquo; It makes it easy to find all this information through convenient management. You can also use the service not only to find out the coordinates of your device, but also if necessary & mdash; Protect its data from outsiders. Our instruction will help you understand everything.

< p > on the & laquo; people & raquo; You can choose contacts that shared their location and those with whom you shared it. The user can also change Google Accounts at any time and change the geodes' exchange settings from the application using the tab in the upper right corner. The update approached the features of the application & laquo; find my device & raquo; from Apple.

< p > However service & laquo; find a device & raquo; & mdash; Not universal. It can be successfully used under the following conditions:

< Ul > < LI > The device operates on Android 8.0 or a fresh version of the operating system. On old -generations devices, search function can be absent or work with additional restrictions. < li > smartphone is not a gadget of the Huawei brand. Through American sanctions & laquo; find the device & raquo; and other Google Services on these gadgets do not work. & nbsp; < li > phone connected to the Internet through a cell network or wi-fi. & Amp; nbsp;

< LI > On the device, login to the Google Account. This is necessary because the search service identifies the device through an account.

< li > On the phone active features & laquo; location & raquo; and & laquo; find the device & raquo;. & nbsp; < li > The user did not turn off the visibility of the device in Google Play service.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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