< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/90/5C/IB-FQV6jvlpn_ab80c7a2.jpg" Alt = "Ministry of Defense will test the program for safe demining" track saper ""/> ~ ~ ~ ~ < P >< Strong > The Ministry of Defense plans to test the software and hardware complex with & nbsp; working name & laquo; track sapper & raquo;. This & nbsp; development allows you to control the cleaning process from explosive objects in & nbsp; real time. It visualizes the path of a specialist with & nbsp; demining that & nbsp; allows you to increase its safety level.
~ ~ > 62 > 62 ~ < p > About this & nbsp; informs & nbsp; mou 14 & nbsp; March.
< p >& laquo; & bdquo; track sapper & ldquo; tests at & nbsp; landfills for testing new technologies used in & nbsp; demining processes. This is & nbsp; nbpus in & nbsp; real field conditions and & nbsp; to determine the possibilities for further use in & nbsp; military and & nbsp; humanitarian operations & raquo;, & nbas; Colonel Olga Drobot, representative of the Main Department of Mine Activity and & Nbsp; Ecological Safety.
told Colonel < p > with & nbsp; program & laquo; track sapper & raquo; Ministry of Defense representatives got acquainted during a visit to & nbsp; a Ukrainian enterprise specializing in & nbsp; the production of modern Trembita and & Nbsp; Nbsp; Nbsp; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; NBP; population.< P > Also demonstrated a mobile application for prompt information about dangerous territories that will help reduce risks for civilians.
< p > how & nbsp; Nbsp; emphasized Olga Drobot, effective cooperation between the defensive department and & nbsp; nbas technologies in & nbsp; nbsp; the sphere of mine activity contributes to safety both & nbv; population.< p > how & nbsp; nbsp; informed the Armyinform, now in & nbsp; different regions of Ukraine & nbsp; Nbsp; Nbsp; 62 machines of mechanized GCS-200. This year their park should increase by another 26 units.