< img src = "/uploads/blogs/cf/3f/ib-fqqqhuqn_237c6fc9.jpg" Alt = "Administrator of telegram channel < P > The Security Service of Ukraine blocked the unlawful activity of the administrator of the telegram-channel, which hindered the mobilization of citizens of conscript age in Chernihiv.
~ ~ < P > The Security Service of Ukraine reports.
< p > found that the person involved and administered a telegram-channel, which contains information about the places of delivery of stories daily. The resource coverage was almost 40,000 subscribers.
< p > SBU staff blocked a destructive resource that helped the evasants.
< p > on the case file, the local resident in the online mode published in the chat routes of the TCC. In addition, through his informants, he & laquo; drained & raquo; The coordinates of serving seats.
< P > During searches at the place of residence of the person being seized the evidence of illegal activity.
< P > Currently, SBU investigators have informed the Internet community organizer about suspicion under Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (obstruction of the legitimate activity of the Armed Forces and other military formations in a special period).
~ ~ ~ ~ > < p > he chose a pre -trial detention.
< P > The question of reporting suspicion to accomplices involved in the functioning of telegrams-channels.
< P > The sanction of the article provides imprisonment for up to eight years.