His name may not mean anything to you: Pavel Durov, and yet you are certainly one of the many users of his end-to-end encrypted messaging service. We are of course talking about Telegram. The founder and boss of this communication tool was arrested this Saturday, August 24 at Le Bourget airport in Paris.
Telegram, an encrypted messaging service in the sights of the authorities
Indeed, French investigators had launched a search warrant against Pavel Durov for several violations of his encrypted messaging service Telegram. Launched in 2013 with the help of his brother Nikolaï, the headquarters of the end-to-end encrypted messaging service is located in Dubai and differentiates itself from other platforms, particularly American ones, because Telegram has always committed to never revealing the personal data and other information of its users.
The idea to launch this messaging service came to Pavel Durov after he was pressured by the Russian authorities when he was managing VK, a social network he had created in Russia before selling it and leaving his country in 2014. By setting up Telegram's headquarters in Dubai, the messaging service therefore escapes moderation rules. In addition, with the possibility of bringing together up to 200,000 people in discussion groups, the messaging service is often accused of circulating fake news but also hateful, racist, pedophile, conspiracy, neo-Nazi and terrorist content.
Pavel Durov arrested in France, Internet users are scandalized
Thus, it is because of a lack of moderation and collaboration with investigators for the criminal uses of his messaging by his users that the justice system decided to issue a search warrant against him.
It was therefore this Saturday evening, between 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., that upon his arrival at Le Bourget airport, the man was arrested. The 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire was accompanied by his bodyguard and assistant and came from Baku in Azerbaijan. He was due to spend the evening in Paris for dinner. He will be brought before the courts today. Investigators welcomed his arrest, stating “Enough of Telegram's impunity“.
On the social media side, Many Internet users are outraged by the arrest of Pavel Durov. Below, we invite you to discover some reactions on the social network X.
It's official.
France is a dictatorship that is gradually suppressing freedom of expression to prevent its corruption, treason and allegiance to globalism from being brought to light.
How ugly is this republic of rotten people!https://t.co/WtnB9b5qwCAugust 25, 2024
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has just been arrested upon his arrival on French soil (Bourget).What will not be done to prevent us from communicating…
Source https://t.co/IINU9d7Nxt pic.twitter.com/FcAl6Ox3Q0
August 24, 2024
So the French authorities decided to arrest Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram.
Necessisty is always the plea for every infringement of human freedom .
It is the argument of tyrants….#FreePavel#FreePavelDurov pic.twitter.com/cSfY4ovpmJAugust 25, 2024
“The French authorities have therefore decided to arrest Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram. Necessity is always the pretext for any attack on human freedom. This is the argument of tyrants…”
Why do you think they just arrested the OWNER OF TELEGRAM, Pavel Durov?
This is a test run.
They are setting a precedent.
Their ultimate target is Elon Musk. pic.twitter.com/eUHE34PJqFAugust 24, 2024
“Why do you think they just arrested TELEGRAM OWNER Pavel Durov? This is a test. They are setting a precedent. Their ultimate target is Elon Musk.”
Freedom of speech and keeping confidentiality is not a crime. Arresting someone for this reflects the democratic system of that country. “Pavel Durov” should be released as soon as possible. pic.twitter.com/OqDnLEbT7t
August 25, 2024
“Freedom of expression and respect for confidentiality are not crimes. The arrest of someone for these facts reflects the democratic system of this country. .”
The entire world is watching France right now.
RELEASE PAVEL DUROV, you inbred psychopaths. @EmmanuelMacronAugust 24, 2024
“The whole world has eyes on France right now. FREE PAVEL DUROV, you are inbred psychopaths.”