I haven't seen him for years. I didn't want to see him. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/2fcaa8/620x0/1/0/2024/10/14/7fly5rnruuohycqqq4lpcypzpzqsengti0azopotr7c.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (101,91,81,1)" > < p > until today.
< p > stood at my threshold, with the same smile, which I once loved and then hated.< p > — Hi & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; he said quietly.
< p > my heart shone, but I didn't let me see it.
< p > — What you want ? — I asked cold. < p > — Talk. < p > We used to be married. < P >Wedding, WSP; Oacutene Plans, Dreams & AMP; NDASH; Everything that was to last forever ended faster than I could expect. < p > after divorce you don't even turn on He moved away, disappeared, left me alone with life, which we built together.< p > did not call, did not ask how I manage.
< p > and I had to learn to live without him.
< p > Now, after so many years, wr & oacute; 60 ~/p > < p > — You left me — I said, looking in his eyes. & Amp; MDASH; Shortly after divorce. As if we never knew each other.
< p > swallowed.
< p > — I know. < p > — So why are you coming back ?< p > — Because & Hellip; I made a mistake.
< p > I laughed bitterly.< p > — Error ? It was not a mistake. It was a decision.
< p > — I didn't know how to deal with it.< p > — So you chose the simplest solution — I hissed. & Amp; MDASH; You just ran away.
< p > He looked at me as if he was looking for something in my face that wasn't there anymore.< p > — Maybe we could have been overwhelmed by & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; whispered.
< p > I couldn't believe what I hear.
< p > — & Amp; oacute; bid ? & mdash; Repeat & oacute; & Amp; MDASH; After you left me ? after years of silence ?< p > silent.
< p > — Where you were when I really needed you ?< p > did not answer.
< p > and it was an answer for me.
< p > I didn't close the door right away.
< p > I let him stand in this threshold, just like I once stood, looking at how he goes away.< p > and then I said the most important word I could say:
< p > — No.
< p > and closed the door. < p > this time I left.