All my life I felt like an intruder in my own home. < img src = "" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (56,61,61,1)" > < p > My parents had two children, but only one really loved one.
< p > My sister was an apple of my mother's head.
< p > wise, talented, beautiful.
< p > I ? < p > forever insufficient. < p > not so pretty.< p > not so wise.
< p > not so important.
< p > I grew up in the shade. < p > family meetings at which everyone was delighted with sister.< p > holidays, when there was always less tenderness for me, less gift & oacute; in, less space at the table.
< p > I did not ask & why ? & ~ rdquo;.
< p > I just accepted that I would never be valid for them.
< p > and then I grew up. < p > I left. < p > I built my life without them.< p > I worked on days and nights, I studied, I fought for myself.
< p > I had no one who would help me.< p > but when I was successful, I understood something else.
< p > they didn't have it either.< p > I received the first phone from my mother after ten years of silence.
< p > — C & oacute; reczko! How are you ? We haven't seen each other for a long time!
< p > I felt something suffocating me.
< p > & bdquo; c & oacute; reczko & ?
< P >When she last called me ?
< p > I didn't remember.
< p > We met a week p & oacute;< p > Mama and Dad suddenly had time for me.
< p > sat opposite me, smiling, caring.
< p > — We are proud of you — said my father who was looking at me all his life with indifference. < p > — I have always believed that you would go far — She added her mother, as if her previous years of silence never existed.< p > I was ready to believe that maybe they changed.
< p > that maybe they love me.
< p > and then it made one sentence.
< p > — We now stand a little worse with money & hellip;
< p > I leaned on the back of the chair.
< p > my heart pounded in my breast, but not by emotion.
< p > with rage.
< p > — So that's why I am suddenly for you C & Amp; Oacute; RKI ?
< p > — How much you can, how can you m & oacute; 63 ~< p > — Because all your life you have never called me that.
< p > suddenly everything became clear.
< p > they did not call because they missed.
< p > they did not meet me because they wanted to rebuild the bond.
< p > just because I had money.
< p > because I became valuable. < p > because in the end I could give them something.< p > I got up from the chair.
< p > — You have your perfect C & Amp; Oacute; RKA. Go to her for help. < p > — Ale & hellip;< p > — Thank you that you finally gave me the answer who I am for you.
< p > since then the phone has been silent.< p > and for the first time in my life I didn't feel lonely.
< p > because it's better not to have a family at all than to have such a family.