– Mom, please, think again. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/c5c007/620x0/1/0/2025/03/05/wdsvq3p6ct2olqtttt5e7mjygkp8hra7ggc4xho.jpg" alt = "from life taken." Quot; my mother is 65 years old and plans to get married & quot ;: I am against and her beloved irritates me " styles = "background-color: rgba (129,104,90.1)" > < p > She looked at me with a smile, which brought me crazy. She was happy. And I ? I felt how everything was boiling in me.
< p > — Why do you care about it ? — She asked calmly. & Amp; MDASH; It's my life.
< p > — You are sixty -five and he & Hellip; Kim he wt os & oacute; le is ?!< p > sighed as if she had no strength to me anymore.
< p > — My name is Andrzej and is good for me.
< p > — Mom, you have known him for several months! & Amp; MDASH; I raised my voice. < p > — And that's enough. < P >She met him at some trip for senior & oacute; w. Wr & oacute; beaming, as if she was twenty again. She started spending more and more time with him, and after a few months she told me that they were going to get married. < p > I couldn't believe. < p > not after she devoted her whole life to me and my siblings. Not after M & Amp; Oacute; she would never trust any man after my father's death again.< p > and now ?
< p > Now she walked smiling, planning a wedding like a teenager.
< p > and I looked at her & ampquo; beloved & rdquo; and I felt an instinctive reluctance to him.
< p > — I don't understand why you don't accept him — She said one evening, when I once again caught the & oacute; oacute; < p > — Because he pisses me off — I hissed. & Amp; MDASH; Because I feel that something is wrong.
< p > — These are just your prejudices.
< p > — Really ? — I looked at her sharply. & Amp; MDASH; And you don't wonder why a guy his age is alone ? why he wants marriage so quickly ?< p > fell silent.
< p > For a moment I saw a shadow of uncertainty on her face.< p > and then she shook her head.
< p > — I don't want to listen to it.
< p > — So don't listen — I said cold. & Amp; MDASH; But when something is wrong, do not expect that I will be quiet. < p > Oppture & oacute; I was and left, slamming the door. < p > A few months p & oacute; < p > Mom, M & oacute; I had you. < p > m & oacute; I didn't care. < p > m & oacute; I thought it would all end badly. < p > but you didn't want to listen.< p > and now you have stayed without home.
< p > and without it.