I stood in the kitchen, squeezing the phone in my hand. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/d4ccb3/620x0/1/0/2025/03/05/LG8AV6LRDYCNDYCTCTKSGSGSGZGZLLBZLLBULBULO69WM4WJAFFJKSO4L6.jpg" alt = "from life taken." Quot; my mother does not want to look after the grandson & quot; Style = "background-color: rgba (81,79,74.1)" > < p > my mother m & oacute; in a calm, substantive tone, as if what I just heard was something completely normal.
< p > — If you want me to take care of Antek, you will pay me.
< p > I thought for a moment that I heard. < p > — What ?< p > — Well, yes. I have already raised my children. I'm not going to be a free babysitter.
< p > silence between us became heavy.
< p > — Mom & Hellip; after all, this is your grandson.
< p > — And so what ? — She sighed. & Amp; MDASH; I have no more strength for diapers, for screams, to guard the child from morning to evening. If I am to deal with it, I want money for it.
< p > I didn't know what to say.
< p > I always thought I could count on her. After all, she used to be m & oacute; how much she is waiting for her grandson, how happy she will eventually be a grandmother.< p > and now ?
< p > grandmother for hours.
< p > grandmother for rent.
< p > grandmother, which & oacute; without payment does not nod with a finger.
< p > — You know how much a good nanny costs ? — She asked icy. & Amp; MDASH; If you want me to sacrifice SW & oacute; j time, I should have something of it.
< p > — You should have a grandson, mom. You should be happy that you have a family, that you can spend time with him & hellip;< p > laughed dry.
< p > — Time is money, honey. < p > I hung up. < p > I felt my hands tremble.< p > m & oacute; j son happily played in the living room, unaware that he just ceased to be someone important for his grandmother.
< p > that love, which I once thought that we would get from her, now she had its price.
< p > and I wasn't ready to pay her.