I looked at him in disbelief. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/b9a677/620x0/1/0/2024/11/24/qf4nygh3zhdfncc5srl3dhiedtix5ihubl6vyumg.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (174,176,171,1)" > < p > — Repetition & rz & mdash; I whispered, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.
< p > Michał didn't look into my eyes. He stood opposite me, his hands tightened into his fists nervously. Earlier so confident, now he looked like a tch & oacute; rz, which was looking for an emergency exit.
< p > — Marta is pregnant — he said quietly.
< p > pregnancy. His wife. The one who was to leave the oacute; The one who apparently no longer loved.
< p > Two years ago everything looked different.
< p > Michał M & oacute; there was nothing between him and Marta. That their marriage is only appearances, an empty commitment. That he never felt what he feels to me.< P > & AMP; BDQUO; It's just a matter of time & rdquo; & ndash; He was telling me in a whisper when we were lying in my & Żku.
< P > & AMP; BDQO; Everything will work out, I promise. ” You are everything to me. & AMP; RDQUO; < p > and I believed him. < p > I waited. I was patient. I supported him when M & Amp; Oacute; he could just leave, because you have to plan it well well & rdquo;. I believed that he loved me, that I was the only one, that we will be together. < p > and now he was standing in front of me and m & oacute; he was coming back to her.< p > — It wasn't supposed to end & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; I whispered.
< p > — I have to be with her. With a child — He said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. < p > — With the child ? — Repeal & oacute; I got bitter. & Amp; MDASH; And what about me ? what to do with us ?< p > — I know it hurts, but & Hellip; I can't do it.
< p > I felt my whole body tremble.< p > — And I ? — I clenched my teeth. & Amp; MDASH; I didn't mean anything for you ?
< p > Michał looked at me for a while.
< p > — You meant. But it ended. < p > I watched how it comes out.< p > without regret. Without hesitation.
< p > and I was left alone.With promises that have never meant anything.